Golden Epitaph of Emperor Yarken Item in Dark-Fall | World Anvil

Golden Epitaph of Emperor Yarken

The Plaque from the grave of the last Emperor of Kyenash

The Golden Epitaph of Emperor Yarken is an artifact which is thousands of years old. It stems from the period of time where the area now known as Olinthis was an Empire which was called Kyenashi Empire.  

Fall of an Empire

The Golden Epitaph was made for Emperor Yarken's grave. He was the last emperor of the Empire before it went under due to a large civil war and the lack of clear lineage to the next emperor.  

A Place of Peace and Respect

The temple in which Emperor Yarken's grave was, was the center of most peace negotiations between the warring sides and his grave was considered to be so important that none dared to even touch it.   When the matter was finally settled and the Empire was split into different self governing areas, the treaty and agreements were all signed in the presence of his grave.  

A wish for Safe Travels

The plaque now called the Golden Epitath of Emperor Yarken was placed on the statue that had been commissioned years prior to his death. The Plaque is inscribed with various things, all written in Old Lentish, the language which was the official language of the empire and the emperor's mother tongue.  
Emperor Yarken   Une tolver aker peliner rilgan, i neterei Kyenashi mot kan molver draltere jenelan.   Ije ei eenshu mak ke norerlis yekebenshi
— Original text on the Epitaph
Emperor Yarken   Our brave and formidable leader, who steered Kyenashi towards an even greater nation.   May he safely reach the glorious afterlife.
— Epitaph text, loosely translated

Theft of the Plaque

The plaque is currently lost, after the thief known as Theodore the Nimble Fingered successfully stole it. This theft has been a mystery ever since it happened. Both due to the extensive security measures which were taken but also because the Epitaph is a plaque made of solid gold, which is 60 centimeters tall, 85 centimeters wide and has a width of one centimeter and weighs in around 108 kilo. It should've been incredibly difficult to steal such a large, heavy and eye catching item.   A search was put on after Theodore stole the plaque, which left to his hideout known as the Thief Den of the Nimble Fingered. However, none of the things in the house got them any closer to catching him, and neither he nor the plaque has been seen. Many think he sold it on the black market, but until it resurfaces, no one can say for sure what happened to it.
Item type
Unique Artifact
108 kg
60x85x1 cm
Old Lentish
Language | Jul 26, 2021

An ancient language from the area now known as Olenthis.

Theodore the Nimble Fingered
Character | Jul 26, 2021

A well known master thief who disappeared after pulling off his biggest heist.

Thief Den of the Nimble Fingered
Building / Landmark | Jul 26, 2021

A formidable thief who is most known for planning and successfully stealing the Golden Epitaph of Emperor Yarken.

Cover image: by Ninne124


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