Arendar Pass Geographic Location in Corgeria | World Anvil
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Arendar Pass

The pass provides a vital link between the Faroo Basin and the Plains of northern Karmis.


This is a pass in the southern range of the Grey Mountains. The pass runs about 10 miles from north to south and varies from 1.5 to 2 miles wide. The pass has the Faroo River, a tributary of the River Karm, runs down the eastern side of the pass. The river gorge is very steep and rocky along the eastern side, the slope is more gradual along the west. The Karmis-Landor Road runs along a shelf on the western side of the river. The road is sufficiently wide for two large wagons to pass each other. The road is paved with stone slabs and sveral small stone bridges cross streams running down into the river gorge.

Fauna & Flora

The mountain slopes on either side of the pass are heavily wooded with evergreen forest dominating the area. Game is fairly plentiful in the area with deer, elk, mountain goats all being seen in the area. Wolves and bear frequently come down into the pass to hunt. Bear also are often seen fishing in the Faroo River.
Alternative Name(s)
South Pass
Mountain Pass
Location under
Owning Organization


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