Chg/central human gov't. "where we at and how we at here?" Events and stuff within this world Timeline
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Events and stuff within this world

Not including most of our history (since everything from the Romans sacking Carthage to Keanu Reeves existing is cannon within this world as stuff that happened.. it's all based in the future) to avoid cramming but you might see some interesting stuff here.

  • 1000000000 BCE

    1 /1 01:00
    1000000500 BCE

    1 /1 01:00

    The Old One Empire gets jiggy
    Era beginning/end

    These guys make you want to scream no, but the fact that them not being around would've butterfly affected humanity from existence makes you whisper yes. Or at least that's how it goes for me, someone who is possibly too biased in favour of humanity not dying. Then again these guys totally would've wiped out all life on Earth before humanity had even come to be if only they were able to access it.

    Planet Loki
    More reading
    The New Old One Empire
  • 500000000 BCE

    1 /1 01:00
    499999200 BCE

    1 /1 01:00

    The Old One Empire builds Loki to quench its thirst for blood
    Scientific achievement

    Fun fact: the dates on these mean nothing except the order of events. Unless it's actually in the later stages like when humanity is strutting around in space and exact dates are necessary due to the many events being more crammed together, it's probably just a number put their for estimation and it doesn't matter that much anyway since the general gist is "plants weren't even on land yet at this point".

    Having processed the alien cult into edibles and made countless subspecies of themselves to survive on other planets, the Old Ones found themselves having quite the taste for the blood of xeno scum and enforcing an ideology in relation to anything they believed to pose a potential threat to the Old Ones that went a little like this:

    "Hippitty hoppitty your heart will now stoppitty."

    Loki was a means to this stoppitty end.

    Planet Loki
    More reading
    Planet Loki
  • 400000001 BCE

    1 /1 01:00
    399999100 BCE

    1 /1 01:00

    Old One Empire oopsied itself
    Disaster / Destruction

    When you're so xenophobic that you get xenophobic towards yourself... yeah then it might be time to stop being so xenophobic. Well, the Old Ones didn't and they had a giant civil war over it but hey, that's just the way the stagnant xenophobia goes.

  • 1 CurlyWurly

    1 /1 01:00
    1 CurlyWurly

    1 /1 01:00

    Loki links with Earth (unfinished)
    Artistic creation

    Well, at least from here on I can be far less inventive/weird with my ideas for alien species.

    Planet Loki
    More reading
    Planet Loki
  • 2 CurlyWurly

    1 /1 01:00
    3 CurlyWurly

    1 /1 01:00

    Spread the life, baby!
    Population Migration / Travel

    You know how Earth life basically ended up colonizing Loki through the portals? Yeah Loki does that but to almost every planet within range that is potentially suitable for life.

    Planet Loki
    More reading
    The New Old One Empire
  • 4 CurlyWurly

    1 /1 01:00
    5 CurlyWurly

    1 /1 01:00

    Sad story bro

    The sad story bro species exists and dies out. Sad AF. Well not really cos they ate their own kids but still.

    Planet Loki
    More reading
    Sad story bro.
  • 9 CurlyWurly

    1 /1 01:00
    10 CurlyWurly

    1 /1 01:00

    The Ice Age Begins and the Sloths Evacuate Earth
    Population Migration / Travel

    There was an intelligent species of sloths on Earth in this universe before the Ice Age and would you guess which massive change in climate screwed them good?

    Planet Loki
  • 15 CurlyWurly

    1 /1 01:00
    16 CurlyWurly

    1 /1 01:00

    Homo Sapiens be gettin' jazzy
    Life, Birth

    Well well well if the homo sapiens didn't just start killing off all the non-homo sapiens.