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The New Old One Empire

The New Old One Empire rose from the ashes of the First Old One Empire due to Old Ones on a cryo-ship being lucky enough to encounter a broken terraforming device and enough space junk floating around it to repair it.

They fell because they decided to keep to the methods of the First Old One Empire. It's possible that yet another Old One Empire could rise, but it will probably not be anywhere near the power that the New Old One Empire reached.


The older an Old One, the more say it has on everything in a room. That said, they're very good at communicating large amounts of information in short amounts of time and listening to multiple individuals at once, so they're very good at teamwork and leadership tends to be very loose.

Public Agenda

Ensuring that Old One DNA is eternal. They're probably the only species to be so direct about preservation of DNA.


Lots of hollowed out planets and giant mega-structures that they repaired from back in the days of the Old Old One Empire, as well as lots of fleets.


With the collapse of the first Old One Empire due to infighting and the different [basically racial] sides within it genociding one another by making planets uninhabitable, the only surviving Old Ones were in ships in cryosleep (to preserve food and energy). Over time, these lost energy as heat to space as some energy was always lost as heat (some of which left the ship) when recycling food or keeping the place warm enough to keep the sleeping Old Ones alive, causing the Old Ones within them to either search for somewhere habitable and die on the journey or just wait out their deaths.

One of these ships, however, found a derelict terraforming device and, although it took centuries of gathering up space junk and hard work, managed to repair it and colonise a nearby planet. The terraforming wasn't perfect and so that planet was a tough place to live, but it was a start as they built up a civilisation almost from scratch. Infighting happened, wars occurred as those at the bottom who received less of the limited resources rebelled against those at the top who had more, but the Old Ones ultimately continued to grow on this world which they even slowly continued to terraform to make more hospitable over time.

They hollowed out the planet to get more living space, making layers upon layers because they were scared of reaching to the stars. Nonetheless, they eventually ran out of room and so made an improved terraforming device to terraform a nearby planet and settled there as well. They continued building up like this, terraforming planets and hollowing them out in layers to get more living space.

Here's the cool stuff that happened along the way:

They found a planet with Lokian life on it: the life there consisted of dinosaur-like creatures annnnnnd the Old Ones straight up murdered them all but had massive casualties because they converted too much of the available matter into either them or ships and so didn't have enough weapons to go around and so were basically fighting these dinosaurs with their own claws. Yeah it's as awesome as it sounds.

They found a space empire of some Lokian cockroach things. The war was epic but the Old Ones had the same weapon problem as before because they weren't putting aside enough matter for weapons and relying more on the fact that their species is naturally good at killing things and sheer numbers. Imagine a 4 foot tall cockroach with a rapid-fire railgun atop a pile of Old One corpses yelling "is that all you got!?" at 40 Old Ones running up the pile towards it and then it's antenna droop in horror as 4000 Old Ones that heard it yelling come around from a bigger pile of Old One corpses to kill it. Yeah, that's how awesome it was. But the Old Ones won which is a little bit of a shame because I reckon those roaches deserved the win.

They encountered an alliance of Old One remnants that had teamed up to live together and put aside past differences on the only Old One world that wasn't glassed to nothing and had spread out from there. The war was bloody and the exclusionist New Old One Empire won, causing a whole lot more cryo-ships of the other subspecies to exist.

They found a civilisation of robots! Bloody, violent war.

They found a group of alien races that were coexisting together in happiness and mutual respect (imagine if the LIR was what it likes to pretend it is). The Old Ones were simply offended by how these aliens offered them a place among them and pulled another Deus Vuelt. These alien races mostly ended up trying to copy methods from back when they were at war with one another but with new tech as they had to invent the new weapons based on new tech in a flash and it was basically the same as the previous stuff except the bullets were made of plasma and so they used the same tactics. The Old Ones have seen how they don't even need weapons to wreck enemies in ground combat and don't even bother with them at this point, focusing more of that sort of stuff into making badass space fleets.

The Old Ones discover an intergalactic civilisation that got here through a wormhole and immediately attack it. After some fighting the ones in the Milky Way are simply evacuated and the wormhole closed (yeah this was a civilisation that could MAKE WORMHOLES and it couldn't stand up to Old One hordes).

The Old Ones find a mushroom hive mind race that basically slowly turns planets into it over time and creates space ships and soldiers that are remotely controlled via hive mind. I've gotta hand it to you, Old Ones, you really managed quite the achievement by out-red-army-tactics-ing a fungal hive mind - and fungal hive minds are masters of red army tactics.

The Old Ones go a while without encountering anything other than some Lokian life. Very little of it is intelligent and out of what of it is, only 4 races have gotten anything in space-faring: not at the space empire or even unified species stages yet. Basically they don't find any space empires and so have it easy as they massacre everything in their path.

They eventually find the Leshvari Empire, which holds up surprisingly well against the Old Ones by out-tactic-ing them and having better gear. That said they're still constantly being pushed back and clearly have numbered days and so call on all of their smaller buddy empires (they stopped warring with one another ages ago after realising that just expanding away from each other was easier than killing each other over stuff) to help them out. They managed to make a specialised virus that did not merely kill Old Ones but instead would randomly change their DNA: this basically meant making lots of Old One mutants that the Old One government called for the destruction of, causing a second Old One civil war that made things easier for the Leshvari, who sent out expeditions that would constantly emit signals in order to find potential allies against the Old Ones.

The CHG found out about the New Old One Empire from a lost ship of NOOE soldiers that were meant to be attacking the Leshvari but had ended up going the wrong way and landed on a planet in CHG territory. After capturing the very few survivors (as the humans living on the planet reacted, well, rather violently to the fact that these Old One troops were killing everything they saw) the CHG used knowledge from their other Old One remnant captives to interrogate them. The captive NOOE troops were largely non-compliant but the transmissions from the Leshvari finally reached the CHG and the CHG found out the full scope of what was going on. The LIR also received these signals and a secret agreement of non-aggression was made between the two, at least until the Old Ones were defeated - although as far as the public were told the CHG and LIR were each simply focusing their military might on the Old Ones and taking advantage of how the other was focusing on the Old Ones to leave much smaller defence garrisons at the border between the 2 to focus even more might on the Old Ones.

The CHG got the Iron Maiden out for this (technically counts as a faction of its own that just happens to be on extremely friendly terms with the CHG and live inside of CHG territory) and secretly told pirate groups that they would be handsomely rewarded for every Old One ship they could confirm a kill on.

The Great Khanate, which had originated as a pirate group but transitioned to conquering stuff (Stellaris ripoff? No, I wouldn't dare! I totally didn't decide to copy khanates from Stellaris (I know where they got the idea from it was the Mongolian Empire don't worry I'm not that much of a numpty) due to the fact that I'm almost out of ideas of interesting civilisations because of how much stuff I've done on races the LIR conquered and want to avoid repeating any ideas so that each race maintains some individuality) received a good number of transmissions from the Leshvari while searching for other space empires. Normally they would've immediately gone into Leshvari territory with a massive fleet of highly advanced ships and demanded the Leshvari surrender themselves into being vassals of the Khanate but, considering the situation, decided to leave that for later.

The Consumers were semi-hive-minded insects (they had queens like ants that could hive-mindedly control their offspring through pheromones and some advanced tech they used. The queens used to have a thing for fighting one another but eventually realised that there were things to be gained from cooperation) that the LIR was in the process of trying to conquer (see? If the Consumer queens didn't cooperate they wouldn't be able to last at all against forces like the LIR). The LIR decided to stop trying to conquer them (for now) and instead tell them of the situation and tell them that if they didn't help against the Old Ones the LIR would go back to conquering them (and if the LIR set its mind to it then those Consumers would be bowing to the Toppers) and the Consumers obliged.

And with that, the Old Ones ended up having to fight against 7 enemies at once. All empires that were fighting against it collectively used many methods they wouldn't've otherwise because the Old Ones were still giving out woopings left and right such as the CHG making it so that ALL duplicated material was put to military use rather than planet building, recruiting aliens within its territory into the military and the mass confiscation of GMOs from their owners for military use and the LIR merging all of its militaries into one and only letting competent individuals manage it in order to max out strategic ability.

After 97 years of hard warfare, the New Old One Empire was defeated in 2984. It took another 149 years to fully wipe out all the remnant Old One societies within the territory so that they couldn't rebuilt into another terrifying space empire. More often than not, every Old One on any planet would be killed because they were simply too good at reproducing and too unwilling to submit to be allowed to live. All existing members of the species are now either in captivity or aboard ships retreating from the area of the galaxy - the latter of which are being constantly dogged down by parts of the militaries of all the 5 Empires (the Iron Maiden isn't an empire and the rebels were all slaughtered by the NOOE government during the war), especially the Great Khanate as they're the most skilled in this area.


Getting smashed to bits by the LIR, CHG, rebels within its territory, the Leshvari Empire, the Iron Maiden, the Consumers and the Great Khanate.

Demography and Population

They actively murder mutants and are a single sub-species of Old Ones. The CHG has lots of different subspecies from different remnants in custody but if these were to show up in this empire they would be ripped to shreds for being different.


Despite being very slow at expanding, their territory is very big. Closest of all known empires to the centre of the galaxy and taking up 1/500 of the galaxy (remember that the galaxy is absolutely massive: that's around half a billion stars) in the Sagittarius Arm.


The best way to put it is that they have automatic food farms and need very few personnel for their mining as they keep automatic gear in storage and only use manual labour just to give their population something to do. They regularly have what are best described as gladiatorial fights to entertain the masses with most middle-aged Old Ones having killed at least 3 of their own kind. These matches also serve to prevent overpopulation as their slow expansion policy isn't great for making new space and their species is one that grows in numbers very quickly and serve as a way to make the executions of mutants more normalised as they're forced to fight in the arenas until they die, usually being put in multiple fights a day without chances to rest so that they die by day one.

So, despite it basically being a crusade-like system of "hey guys hop on a ship to fight we'll train you real hard on the way to the battlefield" it is quite effective as they're all pretty gangsta and come in massive numbers. Plus they have lots of biological advantages such as them being extremely strong and durable.

Foreign Relations

They deliberately develop into worlds as much as possible rather than expand out of extreme isolationism and a fear of spreading themselves out too much (as this was part of what ruined the first Old One Empire) and so took a while to even have any foreign relations but when they do bump into life of any kind, they make sure that they bump into them so hard that said life simply stops being alive.

"[The Old Ones] are eternal"

~100,000,000 BC - Defeated 2984, fully wiped out 3133

Geopolitical, State
Alternative Names
"Oh god no some of them rebuilt" "We're gonna need a bigger military" "WHY ARE THERE SO MANY!?"
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Old Ones, "RUN AWAY!!!"
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
The closest currency is their breeding sacks.
Legislative Body
Their leaders make the rules, but the rules are extremely loose. An Old One can become one of the leaders so long as the majority of leaders are okay with it and they're generally tasked with things temporarily.
Judicial Body
The rules are set in stone with very few exceptions. Criminals are generally punished on the spot with mobs getting free passes to break the rules (that's the very few exceptions) in order to beat up or kill the criminals.


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