Chg/central human gov't. "where we at and how we at here?" The Ice Age Begins and the Sloths Evacuate Earth
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The Ice Age Begins and the Sloths Evacuate Earth

Population Migration / Travel

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There was an intelligent species of sloths on Earth in this universe before the Ice Age and would you guess which massive change in climate screwed them good?

Sadly, they didn't leave in space ships. But they did leave through some more Lokian portals, find themselves in yet another inhospitable environment, accidentally use some cloning technology and then go through those same portal entry-ways thinking they would lead them back to Earth (yeah when I said they found this Lokian environment to be hostile I meant it they'd rather die of hypothermia) but those portals were now connected to some other planets that Loki had already colonized. On exactly 1 of these planets the sloth folk were able to survive on the backs of their giant sloths and would eventually make themselves a pretty slick space empire very far away.

Related Location
Planet Loki
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