Ahlún Organization in Borgalor | World Anvil
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Ahlún (al̥uːn)

Ahlún is the smaller of the two states which form Agg-Ahlún, a federal republic in western Örkraz, covering the area along the coast of Irigg Sea to the west as well as some of the northern hinterland south of the westernmost Hnahlam Mountains. It borders the countries of Zónt to the south and Sjóas beyond the mountains to the north.
Ahlún's main city is the old capital of Úhnú by the sea to the southwest, which has one of busiest port in Örkraz and Borgalor in general.
Ahlún's prestige and by extension the country's as a whole owes to it being at the crossroads of trade routes reaching throughout the continent, particularly to Sessalló north of the Hnahlam Mountains via winding road along the coast. The road is the one of only two ways to reach Sessalló by land, as attempts by a dwarven company in the pasts to tunnel through the mountains failed due to volcanic activity.
The population is a mixture of native Aggans, Ahlúnans and various communities of Elves, Goblins, Humans and Ophids, so the culture there is quite diverse. Combined with the beautiful scenery and bustling city-life, Ahlún often features in novels, plays and, more recently, films and tv shows.
Geopolitical, State
Parent Organization
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