Agg Organization in Borgalor | World Anvil
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Agg (akː)

Agg is the larger of the two states which together form Agg-Ahlún, a federal republic in western Örkraz, covering the eastern and southeastern hinterland of the country, while Ahlún is centered on the coast of Irigg Sea and the southern edge of the western Hnahlam Mountains.
The state's main cities are Agg's old capital and largest city of Ma Örrir to the north and Hrep to the west, the latter which, while far smaller, functions as the federation's capital, chosen due to its central location and proximity to the sacred Zomran Falls.
Like Ahlún, Agg's population is among the most diverse in Örkraz, with different communities of Elves, Humans and Dwarves living among native aggan and úrzrani tribes. The country has long formed an important link in a trade route connecting the western and eastern coast of the continent to the countries in the central Gjóm Highlands, and has traditionally been known for fine parquetry and high-quality steel, the latter which is still made using wind furnaces and magic in certain places.
In recent decades, Agg has also become a major producer of films and video games, with Örkraz' largest game developer, Forebear Games Co., being headquartered in Ma Örrir.
Geopolitical, State
Parent Organization
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