Žoax Ŗel Character in Binaka | World Anvil

Žoax Ŗel

Žoax Ŗel, the God Killer, was arguably the most powerful of the Wizard Kings. It was he who forst proposed to his fellow wizards that the gods didn't deserve their place. It was he who fought the father of the gods, Koavurpé, in a battle that created Viž Nuzo and Viž Tyuot. And it was he who later killed Koavurpé, which resulted in Dáblo destroying all magic, and herself.   But even this did not kill Žoax Ŗel. He was weakened but still powerful. So Dáblo's children, Nép, Valak, Ŗadev, and Oŗoros joined together to imprison him in a pocket realm between the Mortal Realm and Netherealm, with the laws of reality adjusted to be antagonistic toward the prisoner and to prevent him from escaping.  


by Michael D Johnson

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Realtively fit. Fairly strong, but not muscular. Žoax Ŗel takes care of his body as it is a conduit for his magic. A weak body means weak magic.

Apparel & Accessories

Prefers to wear his golden armor with blue and red clothing over it. Loves capes and billowing cloaks.

Specialized Equipment

Žoax Ŗel created a magical staff in his early 20s that continued to strengthen until he was imprisoned. He always had it on his person until the moment he knew he was trapped, at which point it disappeared. It's unknown what its capabilities are, nor where it is currently located. However, it is has the potential to be the most powerful magical artifact on Binaka, given the power of its creator and for how long he worked on improving it.   What is known is that it consists of a 1.8m iron wood staff, surmounted by a gold and fonujajo cap and holder for a 15cm globe formed from a single joto crystal. It is assumed that it can retain a large amount of magical energy and discharge it in various ways. It was observed on several occasions channeling and amplifying magical energies. The god killer was not afraid to use it as a martial weapon.
Year of Birth
3199 13373 Years old
Current Residence
A private realm prison
Disturbingly yellow
Black, shoulder length, mostly unkempt.
Known Languages
Speaks Thevan natively, but has a knack for languages and can use magic to help accelerate his understanding of a language he is unfamiliar with.

Cover image: by Michael D Johnson
Character Portrait image: by Michael D Johnson


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