United Nations of Humanity Organization in Astra Planeta | World Anvil
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Astra Planeta has been nominated for four categories in the 2024 Worldbuilding Awards!

The final-round nominees for the Worldbuilding Awards have been announced! Among those nominations are no less than four articles from Astra Planeta:

Wondrous Nature Award: Earth
Strength & Honour Award: Ares Program
Pillars of Progress Award: Warp Drive
Best Article: Alone Together

I am incredibly humbled to be nominated alongside these other amazing worldbuilders and their stunning work in the first place. VOTING HAS ENDED! Thanks to everyone who voted; tune in to the awards ceremony on May 18th to find out whether any of these articles won!

United Nations of Humanity

The UNH emblem, a human hand within an olive wreath, combines old and new symbologies. The olive wreath -found in the symbols of many other organizations including our predecessor, the United Nations of Earth- is an ancient symbol of peace, as is an open palm of the hand. The asymmetrical five digits of the human hand provide a clear distinction from the other species of the cosmos; we are the only species with hands like ours. Beyond this, the hand represents something much deeper. Handprints are ubiquitous in ancient cave art found all over the human homeworld, Earth, and have withstood the test of time. Even today, leaving an impression of one's hand in media echoes the purpose of the cave hands: it is a testament to our existence, a call into the future that in this place and time, a human person was alive and awake. A footprint may show that we have stood in a spot, but a handprint shows we have lived there.
— Emerson Falhais, First Secretary-General of the reformed interstellar UNH, 2500 CE
The United Nations of Humanity is the international governing body of almost all Earth-descended polities and human-controlled territories in known space. Like its superorganization, the United Spacefaring Sophonts Coalition, the goals of the UNH are to facilitate cooperation and communication among the nations of the human diaspora; maintain peace, safety, justice, and welfare for all beings within its jurisdiction; and ensure the responsible economic, social, cultural, and environmental management of human-inhabited space and the worlds within.


The UNH as a governing body has no primary seat, as all business is conducted through ansible teleconference: a vastly simpler way to organize representatives across sixty-five thousand cubic lightyears of space. It has four principal organs: the General Assembly; the Economic and Social Council; the International Court of Justice; and the UNH Secretariat. There is a provision in the UNH Charter for the creation of a peacekeeping Security Council when required by dire circumstances, but this provision has only been invoked once in over 800 years of the organization's existence (during the Rimor Contact Incident).   Other agencies within the UNH include the International Welfare Oversight Administration (IWOA), the Human Health Organization (HHO), United Nations Aerospace Coalition (UNAC), United Nations Interstellar Habitation Administration (UNIHA), and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Non-governmental organizations may be granted consultative status with these agencies to participate in their work.


The UNH of the 30th century is composed of hundreds of member star systems across a sphere of influence nearly ten parsecs in diameter. It is the largest member of the United Spacefaring Sophonts Coalition and one of the two founding members (alongside the Ra'na Interglobal Council). Members of the UNH include the United Sol System, the Centauri Republic, the New Nations of Helios, and the Dogstar Alliance, to name a few.


Founded in 2210 CE after the independence movements of Mars and the Belt necessitated a reorganization of the original United Nations (now the United Nations of Earth), the UNH served as the international body governing the polities of the Sol system for several hundred years, until its elevation to the level of interstellar governance with the independence of the Centauri Republic in 2500 CE.
Unus Populus ex Plures Mundos

Archive Data

Founded Jan. 5, 2210 CE
United Nations
52 members
31 common territories
Member of
United Spacefaring Sophonts Coalition
Official languages
  • Amalgam
  • All officially documented human languages (7512)
  • All officially documented orca-song dialects (168)
Transnational interstellar government
Governmental system
Representative parliamentary democracy
Executive branch
United Nations Secretariat
Legislative branch
United Nations General Assembly
Judicial branch
International Court of Justice


  • United Sol System
  • Torchlight Commonwealth
  • Centauri Republic
  • New Nations of Helios
  • United Nations of the Muse
  • Dogstar Alliance
  • Winds of Anemos
  • Democratic Federation of Ran
  • Pantheon Alliance
  • Sovereign Nations of Malina
  • Takamagahara Unitary Republic
  • Lampetia Collective
  • United Nations of Ra
  • Thauma-Nereus Union
  • Alliance of Shizilu
  • United Federation of Ahau
  • Libra Commonwealth
  • Janus Territory
  • Luhman Territory
  • Autonomous Territories of CN Leonis
  • Chaos-Nyx Territory
  • Mora Territory
  • Azyren Territory
  • Meng Po Territory
  • Autonomous Territories of Gliese 65
  • Aita Territory
  • Mireuk-Seokja Territory
  • Palkan Territory
  • Zhou-Shang Territory
  • Autonomous Territory of Delfosse-Forveille

Articles under United Nations of Humanity


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Aug 16, 2021 04:57 by Dimitris Havlidis

Yeaaaahhhh ... I love the iconography of the flag - amazing idea. Also congrats for saying that once instant comms are a thing - there is no requirement for a base for the senate/council

World Anvil Founder & Chief Grease Monkey
Twitter | World Anvil Changelog
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” - Aesop

Aug 16, 2021 17:31 by Doug Marshall

Thank you so much!! :D Yeah, teleconference is just a much simpler and efficient method of organizing. Even with the frightful power requirements of the ansibles, it still takes far less energy to instant-Skype than to actually rocket someone across several lightyears!

ASP | AV | OE | SPH | TMS | CDL | LOR | PR
Aug 16, 2021 19:53 by Dimitris Havlidis

I have a tough question for you - how is space-time dilation handled across so vast distances.

World Anvil Founder & Chief Grease Monkey
Twitter | World Anvil Changelog
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” - Aesop

Aug 16, 2021 21:18 by Doug Marshall

That is a very good question, and one I spent a lot of time thinking about! The conclusions I came to are complicated, and depend slightly on whether you're travelling faster than light (with a warp drive) or just communicating (with an ansible). As a matter of fact, you've just reminded me to add these solutions to the warp drive and ansible pages, so thank you! :)

ASP | AV | OE | SPH | TMS | CDL | LOR | PR
Mar 4, 2022 21:39 by Sacha Ricard

Did the ancient nations of Earth have their own colonies or did they all fall under the jurisdiction of the federal government? Other than that, nice job! Regarding the flag, I also made in my world a version of a flag for a unified humanity, so you can come and review it if you feel like it!

Sacha Ricard
Creator of the world Special Agent
Any feedback will be greatly appreciated!
Mar 7, 2022 03:29 by Doug Marshall

The first permanent off-world habitat, Shackleton Base on Luna, was established as an international research station in 2010 under the flag of the freshly-founded United Nations Aerospace Coalition, and all subsequent offworld habitats have started in a very similar manner: first as UNAC research outposts, then larger stations to support permanent habitation, slowly growing into full-fledged settlements and beyond (similar to the growth of a college town, but on a larger and longer scale). Humankind may have once dreamt of colonizing the stars, but in their wiser years their method of expansion is far more measured and conscientious than the imperialist-expansionist doctrine of old.

ASP | AV | OE | SPH | TMS | CDL | LOR | PR
Mar 7, 2022 03:43 by Sacha Ricard

Great lore! I will check your timeline, do not forget to come and see my flag, your opinion interests me a lot.

Sacha Ricard
Creator of the world Special Agent
Any feedback will be greatly appreciated!