Requiem of the Blood Mother

(Legacy Content)
Oh Mother - Holy Mother - I beseech thee! For your children have fallen from grace and been supplanted by beings most foul! Mother - I beseech! - bring your young upon this world and cleanse it of the human sin! Bring your brood down to purify our sins in your loving embrace!
— First line of the Requiem
The Requiem of the Blood Mother is a short tale first spoken by the heinous Balraious-Kaneig to his demon spawn during the First Calamity. It depicts a time where an entity known only as the Blood Mother would rise to claim dominion over all of material existence - not just Alore. The tale itself includes two verses, one from the summoner that describes the ritual, and another from the entity itself in which appears pitiful towards non-demonic beings.


Oh Mother - Holy Mother - I beseech thee! For your children have fallen from grace and been supplanted by beings most foul! For the blood of the Mother most Holy shall rain upon the unworthy, and cleanse them of the sin of humanity! Mother - I beseech! - bring your young upon this world and cleanse it of the human sin! Bring your brood down to purify our sins in your loving embrace! And thus, beneath the tide of new life, those who once opposed the Holy Mother shall be made to feed her brood! To our end, we grant this world to you, and sacrifices made: the body of the mother blessed by your fecundity, the will of blood drawn from a world of sin, and malice incarnate by those that seek to end ours for yours. With this - and seven sinful flames alight - your holiness will claim, and to truth our salvation!

My child - fear not - for the sins of the foolish shall be baptized in the blood of gods, and made pure. Though have pity for the fool - they know not the gifts I will grant them. But we shall show them, and they will come to know in time. Rejoice my child, for now I shall bring forth the salvation of your world, and all others, and we will live in the perfect harmony I shall create for you.
— Requiem of the Blood Mother

Historical Basis

Supposedly, according to Balraious-Kaneig himself, the Requiem was performed once before, and was the event that caused the Dark Ages. Due to the normally vile nature of this being's claims, this hypothesis has been largely discredited, though historical researchers around the world have continued to look into this proposition since current Alorean history has no explanation for the cause of the Dark Age. However, if this claim does serve to be true, then it could potentially upend centuries of commonly accepted understandings about our world, namely what, how, and why the first demons came to exist on Alore.   Due to the highly inaccurate nature of word-of-mouth, the now well-known myth was recorded onto numerous forms of media in an effort to preserve the nature of the Requiem. This was done in effort to understand the underlying ritual in hopes that potential instances can be interrupted and prevented. As a result, there exists very few variations. The few variations that do exist do so typically between circles of Mystic Traditionalists or others that do not have access to the accurate information.   Due to the nature of both the Requiem and its prophet, Balraious-Kaneig, nearly all of the populous view both entities in a negative light. However, the Balraious Conclave clearly sees it as their supposed prophecy, and constantly work to bring it to fruition.
Date of First Recording
Loreday, Intrazel 32, 1 ASE
Date of Setting
Unknown, presumably some time before the Dark Ages, and retold some time during the First Calamity.
Related Locations

Additional Details

According to the text of the Requiem, the ritual requires four components, all of which interpreted as such:    
  • The Body of the Mother: this is interpreted as a extraordinarily powerful Succubus, as it is speculated that a normal mother would not suffice.
  • The Will of Blood: this is interpreted as a being that has spilled the blood of at least one-million people. This could mean any being, but is most likely in reference to Vampires given their direct connection with blood.
  • Malice Incarnate: this is interpreted to be a sentient, non-demonic being from the ranks of Aloreans or otherwise, who possesses a deep hatred of Alorean society. This is also believed to be the entity speaking the first lines of the Requiem.
  • Seven Sinful Flames: this is believed to be in reference to seven demon braziers corresponding to each of the seven demon types. For that, one powerful demon of the corresponding type must be slain to light each of the braziers.
After these objects are collected and assembled in the proper order, and the Requiem is incited, then the ritual will be completed.   Note: Any attempt to professionally recreate the ritual described herein will be stopped by both The Aetherion and The Etherion by direct commandment of Order.


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