Mistress of Birds

Thalia Morgan is having a horrible time writing anything. When her great-aunt needs a restorative trip to the south of France, Thalia agrees to stay at the house on the edge of Dartmoor. Once she's there, though, she keeps finding a growing list of odd things.   Adam Walton had a bad War, and he hasn't found his footing since. When his uncle breaks his leg badly, Adam is sent off to make himself useful. When he's asked to check on his uncle's apple orchard, he's baffled by the way the apples aren't ripe, and then by other odd things he sees, or doesn't see.   It's only when Thalia asks him about it that they can begin to get an idea of what's going on - and what it might mean for both of them.  
Content notes for Mistress of Birds (click to read)
Both hero and heroine have what we’d now describe as complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) though with different causes and experiences of it. Includes (in chapter 31) a paragraph of brief direct reference to 1917 treatments for shell-shock. To be blunt, these were brutal torture. Gothic romance, with higher levels of spooky tension than my books usually run to (but I promise a happy ending). No on-page sex.

Notable people

Thalia Morgan (main)
Adam Walton (main)
  Briefly references Anna Walter and Una Doran (in chapter 1).


Set outside Bovey Tracey, at the edge of Dartmoor, with scenes in London and on the moor itself.
Related books
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Cover of Mistress of Birds. A man and woman in 1920s clothing silhouetted on a purple and deep blue-grey background. He holds a walking stick as tall as he is and wears a cap, she wears a hat and long sweater. Apples are inset in the top left.

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