Adam Walton

Adam Walton comes from a family who made their money as grocers. He attended Snap, with a particular interest in long-term horticultural planning and healthy crops. He worked for his family for a few years before enlisting in the Great War in 1914. Invalided out in 1917, he's had a hard time figuring out what to make of his life.   He is one of the main characters in Mistress of Birds.  

Appears In

Mistress of Birds‌ (main)
Mistress of Birds
As Mistress of Birds begins, Adam has had a long hard decade. He enlisted in 1914, was made a temporary gentleman (an officer) in 1916, and in 1917 was sent home with disabling shell shock. He was sent from place to place, with some improvement - but not nearly enough by his famiy's standards. As the book begins, he's been sent off to help his Uncle Benjamin, as his uncle is recovering from a bad leg break.
(Click on the title above to learn more about Adam's role in that book.)




Benjamin Walton (uncle)   Marries Thalia Morgan in 1929


Disabled by shell shock
(from 1917 through 1928)

Farming from 1928