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Kundain Lonesteads

Breadbasket of Thanged...   Originally these scattered plots of land served to support construction crews as the great city took shape on the plain in the ancient past. Ranging from sprawling plantations to humble homes, they supply the population with critical food supplies. Vagrancy is simply not tolerated within the walls of Bainshaebo. All hands must be made industrious to contribute to supporting the city and its people. Those who eschew the hustle and bustle of the city but don't have the stomach to live the life of a Freelander can either seek work on a local farm or stake out a parcel of land of their own and work the land to support themselves and the city. Aside from taking their goods to market, Lonesteaders care little for politics and the pomp and circumstance concerning current events. The Twin Suns rise, and all is good in the world.


Kundain Lonestead #1 by Mardrena
Made in Flowscape and
Ownership is traditionally defined as "owning the work of thine own hands", so there are no taxes or fees paid. The region of Kundain immediately bordering the walls of Bainshaebo falls under the jurisdiction of the Watch-Rider and the Four Queens. Roth's Edict applies, so farms must maintain the land via restorative measures such as crop rotation and composting. Personal disputes must either be settled between parties or brought to the attention of the Watch-Rider. Nearly every lonestead has a fyrhund or two, so theft is rarely a problem. Lonesteads are usually expected to be self-sufficient but neighbors will exchange tools, conversation, or delicious meals.


Fences would violate Roth's Edict and most herds are free-roaming. Property lines are indicated via small posts marked with ribbons. Fyrhundi aggressively protect their masters from thieves whether on two legs, four, or airborne. Newer portable airshield technology is able to protect chamia flocks from gherfen and Pegasi act as a strong deterrent.

Industry & Trade

Larger lonesteads will barter their surplus at the Pavilion in Bainshaebo. Family-owned plots will maintain permanent stalls in the market or supply to local eateries in exchange for other goods such as clothing, tools, or products not otherwise obtainable.


The Winding White serves as a ready supply of water, and cisterns and water-towers are used to store rainwater during the storm season. Aqueducts and pipes designed by Deres in the ancient past keep both Bainshaebo and the lonesteads amply supplied with water. Artesian wells can be built by certain individuals to tap groundwater deep in the bedrock. Only worn trodden paths lead to the main gates of the city and between lonesteads, though in recent years Pegasi are able to ferry large loads with ease either through flight or group teleport, and more lonesteads have obtained them thanks to fervent breeding efforts in Mazzan. Most animals are bred locally from wild kirya herds or chamia flocks, but sometimes lonesteaders must visit Mazzan for specific breeds or to replenish stock lost for whatever reason.
Kundain Lonesteads #4 by Mardrena
Made in Flowscape and


Lonesteads can span from the city wall to the banks of the Winding White and Tirmutua. Since the great garden takes up most of the north-western wall, very few lonesteads are found in that area. The vast majority of lonesteads are based to the southern, southwest, and south eastern quadrants.


Aside from stores of grain, dried meat, and preserved vegetables, Lonesteaders aren't exactly hoarding gold or jewels. Equipment must be maintained and is critical to operating a plot, so theft or destruction would be no doubt detrimental but few would dare that with a fyrhund to contend with.


Lonesteaders care little for politics, but sometimes politics care a great deal for them.  
The Greedy Farmer
-Probably the earliest and well-known example, since not only did he lord over the largest parcel of land at the time, but during a rare period of drought that struck Kundain, he refused to trade even surplus produce to his neighbors. Witheren, Goddess of Righteous War, famously taught him the error of his ways.  
The City Strife
-This gruesome civil war lasting for five cycles, or ten years Earth-Time, saw nearly every lonestead save for the furthest from the city wall sacked and burned by Yapign the Vulgar Warlord and his followers. Survivors had to retreat to the city where they took refuge near Mazzan and Peirolyth. Only after the Bloody Bricks were they able to return to their family lands and begin the agonizing process of rebuilding.  
The Genesis Plague
-Thankfully the plague never made it to the lonesteads, but families could not bring their produce to market with the city in a panic and had to bunker down in their homes, genuinely terrified that Afflicted would break in at any minute to infect them all. Those with fyrhundi fared far better, able to outsource the fear-hounds to caravans to distribute food to the Traedeskaton and Mazzan. One of the rare occasions all lonesteads had to co-operate.  
Siege of Bainshaebo
-Far bolder and brazen than anything Das Anazhar attempted in the ancient past, Sur Daggur attempted to bring the city to its knees by cutting off access to both the Winding White and the lonesteads. While the dragon-men did not torch the plantations, Chi Chi Lina, Ander of the House of St'lur put a swift crushing end to the blockade before they got the bright idea to destroy the very food supplies they coveted.  

Events of Fight Alone

The Black Unicorn
-Aggressive attack against portions of Kundain that left the soil completely barren. Originally suspected of being a plot by Mal Daggur's forces, later discovered to be a twisted creation of Phitdaitiarona, Goddess of Wickedness. King Torke requested aid from the Ronin Warriors and dispatched the Metraind to assist, but a failed intercept resulted in the death of Gao Gao Bure, Geiro, forcing the three surviving Metraind to retreat. Cye of the Torrent was able to distract the creature long enough for Roth disguised as Aurora to arrive at the 11th hour and entomb it in crystal, teleporting it into space where Thuruk 2's gravity well seized it and incinerated it once and for all. The local population of unicorns in Kundain arrived to restore the soil at Roth's request.

Points of interest

-The sprawling garden is probably the most famous because it was once considered the largest single lonestead in history, being the site of the infamous unnamed Greedy Farmer of the classic story.  
The Winding White
-The line of demarcation to the west. The mighty glacial river supplies the city and surrounding lonesteads with the majority of fresh water. Sometimes dredged to create brick for construction.  
Wall Lifts
-These antiquated mechanisms have fallen out of use in recent years with increased transportation via pegacorn in the past and Pegasi in the present. They remain operational but mostly serve as a curiosity of ancient times.


Anyone leaving Bainshaebo to tour Kundain will pass by or over various lonesteads. Youths embarking on freelanding tours will swing by the farthest plots and barter for supplies before fully venturing into the wilds.  
Debiah Kubar
-Nicknamed the "Scoundrel of the Plains", this curmudgeonly old man is the most recent Oldworlder to have arrived via Transgalactic Rift in the 1970's. Having absconded with a sizable amount of paper currency before his daring escape, he eventually relinquished his ill-gotten gains in favor of a small parcel of land on the very fringe of Kundain where he and his trusty fyrhund Buster while away their days in solace.  
Spoiler Warning: Upcoming Content!
  Spacequake Ch. 11
The farmer and his son stared slack-jawed at the large arrowhead-shaped craft that had landed in their field. They watched as two tall figures stumbled about, examining the exterior of the hull. They looked like any Oldworlder or Thangien, but they seemed a great deal taller. One sported shoulder-length orange hair while the other had long tresses draping down to the waist like a cascade of spun gold. The two women bickered with one another. The one with the orange hair pointed at the walls of Bainshebo, where the tip of Peirolyth peeked up above the skyline. The one with gold hair looked over her shoulder at the farmer and his son and strode over.   The farmer's eyes widened in reverent awe when he saw the black irises and golden pupils, so much like the Four Queens. The son gripped the handle of the plow tightly, fidgeting nervously as the woman walked up to his father, standing nearly a head taller. She spoke in a voice that sounded musical, almost like the ringing of bells or chimes. The farmer stared back, at a loss for words. The woman looked over her shoulder at the other and spoke what sounded like a question. The woman with the orange hair and blue eyes shrugged, throwing her hands up helplessly and replying in the same melodious language that sounded neither Oldworlder or Thangien. The woman with the golden hair turned back to the farmer and cocked her head, studying him intently.   "Wh...Wher...Where is Wrawthe?" she asked, speaking in comprehensible words this time, her voice tinged with a curious triple-echo.


Homes can range from small single-room cottages to two-story estates depending on the size of the family. Barns are seldom used and only small sheds used to house tools or equipment. Opulence is not a strong suit of Lonesteaders so most homes will be fairly quaint. Since hardwood is hard to come by, and caevas storms quite aggressive, homes are constructed either of clay-fired brick, rough stone and mortar, sod, or plaited grass sheets laid over wooden branch framework.


Situated in the Kundainian Plains region, the countryside looks idyllic with low hills, grassy flats, and flowering wallows.


The winds are dry and temperate mostly year round with the storm season bringing the occasional cool front and heavy rain. Drought is rare but has occurred in the past such as recorded in the Greedy Farmer tale.

Natural Resources

Kirya and chamia form the bulk of beef and poultry supplies. Lonesteaders have isolated hardy, high yield grains from wild varieties found on Kundain over the course of thousands of years. Tirmutua has more variety of fruits but large-scale production of preferred fruits usually falls to the lonesteads.
Quiet idyllic countryside
Kundain Lonestead #2 by Mardrena
The network of tents kept everyone comfortable and dry. Pleats in the fabric channeled the runoff far away from the Pavilion, depositing it into grooves in the streets. Drains expelled the water through the outer walls where it pooled into ditches leading to the massive crops that sustained the city. Puddles turned into ponds and ponds turned into lakes. The rain showed no sign of abating, as Ritho seemed to give generously of her blessings.
— Foes From Another World Ch. 20
Founding Date
5500-5000 B. C. (7500-7000 Earth Time)
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Related Traditions
Life out on the farm
Kundain Lonesteads #3 by Mardrena
The Ronin soared high over the ground, and their initial joy at the experience turned to dismay as they saw the full scope of the devastation wrought on Kundain. “Man…just look at all that…what a waste…” Ryo muttered.   “Doesn’t look like phergon burn from a ship attack. Could be teams of Peasants sent to spray herbicide or some other dissolvent. Peasants are small enough to avoid being detected,” Rowen theorized. Straygocasir tossed his head, apparently in disagreement. Large patches of cleared ground dotted the plain, and each one seemed to be joined by small paths.
— Fight Alone Ch. 15

Cover image: Lonestead Header by Mardrena


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