Stárakíus Character in Adynía | World Anvil
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Stárakíus (sikírska)

Stárakíus was founder of the ancient Paþarían Empire, and established a dynasty which ruled much of central Adynía, the Azókan Islands and parts of Góalanis and Gráhúlysía for 300 years.
He became king of the paþaríans at a young age after his father Javúanus -who had managed to unite the tribes in Kóteran Peninsula- was assassinated, and after restoring order in the region received a prophecy from the Falcon Oracles that he would conquer the vakkals (Záali on the Meldon Plain)1.
Inspired by this, Stárakíus went on a decade long campaign against the many city-states of Nemirkía, including Þrahyssilon (centered around modern Ahaþrys), where he defeated Frúldus the Wolf King, until he reached the edge of forested hills of Núrak. There he made deals with the local elven tribes and married Tirþena, before returning home due to pressure from his homesick army.
Much of his later life was spent on strengthening the Paþarían Empire and warring with the vakkals and other tribes on the Meldon Plain along with Konnó, his oldest son and heir. Stárakíus is also notable for building a temple to Alkoníus, patron deity of paþaríans and the empire as a whole, which was gradually expanded and renovated into what is now The Great Temple of Gedirkía.

1According to tradition, the falcon oracle likened Stárakíus' future conquest to 'a falcon swooping down on his prey'.
by Lappalingur
Circumstances of Death
Hit his head on a boulder when he fell off a horse.
Irka (now Gedirkía)
Dark brown.
Long, black and shaped into dreadlocks.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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