Winry Anne | World Anvil

Winry Anne

Level 5 Human Lawful Neutral Fighter
(Folk Hero)
38 / 35 HP

"Are you forging worlds yet? Why not?"

Winry Anne ("WA") is the forger of worlds, and World Anvil's very own beloved mascot. With her trust udan Spark, she keeps the fires burning.

The Forge
Played by

I'm an Australian gay nerd who loves fiction, sometimes a little too much. I love to worldbuild, write and I'm learning to draw. I occupy my time with binge watching new shows, following fandoms, games and writing.

Other characters

The major events and journals in Winry's history, from the beginning to today.

Winry joins the ranks of Heroes!

Winry enters the scene of legendary heroes! Welcome to the family of the Eternals!

10:54 am - 16.05.2019

Reached Level 5

Hard work is getting me places. This adventure has only just begun.

05:41 pm - 17.05.2019

Spark's birthday

Spark's birthday is today! :D I got him a sushi birthday cake (it was a special order, apparently its hard to find good Sushi cake places in the multiverse these days).

05:43 pm - 17.05.2019
Played by

I'm an Australian gay nerd who loves fiction, sometimes a little too much. I love to worldbuild, write and I'm learning to draw. I occupy my time with binge watching new shows, following fandoms, games and writing.

Other Characters by XanthussMarduk