Set a character as builder/manufacter/designer for items and building | World Anvil

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Set a character as builder/manufacter/designer for items and building

Content Addition · Articles & templates · Created by Alrost Erkelion.

What functionality is missing? What is unsatisfying with the current situation?

Actually, on item's template, we can choose the manufacturer in charge of the production of it. Though, we can only choose amongs organisation's template. What about set up where manufacturer's organisation are not existing yet or just rare? 
I notice the same issue with building. 
If I take my world as example, manufacturing society are not existing in most country. There is only a small guild. Even the big workshop with employees doesn't not value the employee's work but the creator's name. So when people are talking about good place to get certain type of item, they're looking for the creator's name. I've even got a culture that even keep this habit in the sci-fi  version of my primal world.
  When a building is appreciate for its beauty and the quality of its work, we often look at designer whatever the time period we're looking at. Then we're looking for a team to build it up if not provided by the architect services, wich might often be the case in earlier time period. 

How does this feature request address the current situation?

My suggestion would make it so that as we can choose a manufacturer for an item, in addition, we could choose who the creator is. Who invented this amazing item we're about to increment in our world.
In the same vein, Building would have an addition line in the templates allowing us to choose who design the building. 
For both of them , the possibility to choose more than one character would be nice since we all now that a thing is often invented by more than one person even if... one could take all the credit :P

What are other uses for this feature request?

Follow up

The Team's Response

Yes. Good idea. Let's do it.
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230/300 Votes · +29040 points

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