Silver Shadow Clan
The structure of this organization was to follow a standard teir with a Felgos as the overall leader regarding the organization. However, in the process of seeking out strong allies to help with expanding the organzation Felgos became allies with the wrong person the wizard named Ryo Nexus. In short the Silver Shadow Clan is a zombie stiching of other organizations to create a very powerful shadow syndicate. This new shadow syndicate can be linked to multiple events during the the name given to the Second Great War: The War of Shadows.
Public Agenda
Felgos wanted to create an organization that could research how to preserve life after a death of natural ailments. So, he knew he was going to need to recruit spies and necromancers into his organization. He also knew he needed to have some type of security. Death is only a phase of life that we will overcome was a montra that he followed when recruiting other organizations. This montra changed to "Death is only a phase of life that we will overcome. Shadows are our path to the enlightenment." as in order to find sufficiant test materials one would have to enter the shadows. This would lead to the resolution that death is only a phase. However, this changed again to the final slogan and goal for the Silver Shadow Clan. "Death is only a phase of life that we will overcome. Shadows are our path to the enlightenment. Silver is the last thing you see from the shadows." This allowed a section of their new order to be assassin's for hire. This also gave bodies to the necromancers to study.
In the highest point of control the following assets where controled by the Silver Shadow Clan. These where either owned or controled via leadership replacement with a member of the Silver Shadow Clan.
- Ruins of Hartlepool: These ruins hold a compound connected via destroyed and abbandon buildings.
- Kingdom of Mount Roma: The Silver Shadow Clan cause the disappearance of King Raykin Nizan and replaced them with a doppleganger.
- Ace Healing: The labatory of one of the lead necromancers, Acerow The Doctor.
- Abandon building in Aceitunas owned by Enchantorium: This was left abandoned as they moved all magic related aspects of the orgnaization to the Ruins of Hartlepool.
- Felgos's Lair: This is where Felgos would stay and where he housed his chalic. The very Bronze Chalice of Forgetfulness he used to true polymorph change his fellow Metallic Council.
- Ryo "Kardun" Nexus's wizard tower until it was stolen from him.
- Dynasty of Saundersfoot: They successful in claiming this kingdom but it would also be their last. They assassinated Illiard Saundersfoot and imprisoned Aben Saundersfoot. They placed a doppleganger on the throne. This was done to release Brendon Saundersfoot and have him rule the kingdom.
- Necromancy Well: Was a place of intense necromancy studies for the Silver Shadow Clan.
- Transmutation Well: Was the first Wells of Eternity the Silver Shadow Clan corrupted with Necromancy Energy to help empower Necromancy.
- Enchantment Well: Was the second Wells of Eternity the Silver Shadow Clan corrupted with Necromancy Energy. Also strategically done to remove Vincent "Vinton" Tonga from interfearing.
- Conjuration Well: Was the thrid Wells of Eternity the Silver Shadow Clan corrupted with Necromancy Energy. This made it the fouth under their control and ment Felgos could finally undergo his Dracolich ritual.
The fall of Felgos was the start of the Silver Shadow Clans assention to the power they once controlled. He had a powerful influcence with some organizations just because of who he was already. As he sought out the leaders of various organizations and pulled them under his banner of control sometime in 2518.
In 2514 the Silver Death Assassins Guild was established as a way to consolidate various alternative ways of dealing with problems durring war time. Three guilds the Mercenary Guilds, Espionage Guild, and Assassin's Guild merged into one guild and called it Silver Death Assassins Guild. These three guilds heard rummors of something big happening and they wanted to be on the forefront before anything got two fargone and they couldn't play the services for hire bits to various Kingdoms.
The Nexus Family had some unique goals themselves. Ryo "Kardun" Nexus being the family head never did disclose information to Felgos of how long he has been playing shadow advisor to various organizations.
The Academy of Thorn'Adan has always had some connection to the Cult of Mystra's Folly especially those that studied Necromancy, Illusion, and Enchantment. They where recongnized by the academy from 1410 until 2400. Sometime after 2400 Ryo "Kardun" Nexus started meeting with them in secret. He made it to the top of leadership within their ranks and moved the focus of these students to help him become the Lich Kardun. The Night Slinger that approved this stayed and became Ryo "Kardun" Nexus's top necromancers. The rest fled to Amberwatch. This happened sometime before 2519 as those of the Cult of Mystra's Folly that chose to serve Ryo "Kardun" Nexus went to serve him and his wife Tanulia Nexus under the Shadow Clan.
The Shadow Clan was formed sometime in 2519. This was the merger of the necromancy side of the Cult of Mystra's Folly under Ryo "Kardun" Nexus and the Boon of Scarlet under Tanulia Nexus. The Boon of Scarlet was going the Nexus Family's way of playing shadow in various kingdoms but different plans changed after Ryo "Kardun" Nexus became a lich.
The Boon of Scarlet came to be from the forceful merger of various groups under the influce of the Nexus Family. Gaylia Nexus was leading a select group of Druids that focused on blight. These druids where called the Druids of Blight. Kaylin Nexus-Saundersfoot married Brendon Saundersfoot who was comanding general of the Shadow Druids. When her husband was imprisoned by his own father she gained control of the Shadow Druids this lead to a massive shift in the Dynasty of Saundersfoot's army at the start of The Second Great War: War of Shadows. The third and final organization that was forced to serve was the Potions Guild that was run by Goldia Sung, and Platumus Sung. They where assassinated by Kaylin Nexus-Saundersfoot some time in 2517 because they didn't want to change from making potions to save people to posions ment to kill. They where then replaced by Amra Nexus-Venqen and Onas Venqen other members of the Nexus Family.
Ryo "Kardun" Nexus was then able to convince Felgos to merge both the Shadow Clan and Silver Death Assassins Guild under the name Silver Shadow Clan. This occured slightly before the The Second Great War: War of Shadows started. However the Nexus Family was on their way to become the next royal family under both the Kingdom of Mount Roma and the Dynasty of Saundersfoot if this merger would be successful and all their family goals get achived.
In 2528 after the failed Kardun's Undead Assualt to fully take control of Saundersfoot and the destruction of his phylacery the top leadership of the silver shadow clan was taken out. Felgos fell in the assult and was reverted back to a Dragon Egg. Ryo "Kardun" Nexus's soul was also shunted into a clone he made incause his assualt failed. However, it was discovered that he was back in the Ruins of Hartlepool and was taken down again by the Vengful Misfits. The only survivers of leadership remaining where Taureas Nightshade and Tevan Deville of Ryo "Kardun" Nexus's necromancers. Then the Flune Silverheart, and Kari Silvermane where the remaining watchers. The remaining where lower ranked members such as Martin Rayte, Laura Silverblade, Thurey Norwe, Arern Shadowbadge, and Minan Steel. Many of remaining leaders are wanted by the Kingdom of Mount Roma, the Kingdom of Malgos, and the Dynasty of Saundersfoot. So they have fled to areas like Amberwatch and Vail to quickly jump into piarate ships if needing to flee.Reunion
Tevan Deville one of Ryo "Kardun" Nexus necromancers had set instructions if he was to pass. He wrote the following in his spell book written in Deep Speech, Draconic, Elvish, Halfing, Orc, and Primordial in a coded way that every other word is a different language.In the coded fashion there was contingency of what happens if Kardun is killed. Next in charge of Silver Shadow Clan is Taureas Nightshade. She is to acquire a new base of operation. Also to have new establishment established within 30 years of kardun's death. As this would be the release of the evil Kardun's apprentices from their temporary banishment. These are some of his students that disagreed with the formation of kardun's organization silver shadow clan.What this means for the Continent of Renstrom is unknown is the Silver Shadow Clan needed to stop this new evil. Enemy of my enemy is my friend? Only time will tell.
Death is only a phase of life that we will overcome. Shadows are our path to the enlightenment. Silver is the last thing you see from the shadows.
Reunification Date
Dissolution Date
Founding Date
Controlled Kingdoms
Dynasty of Saundersfoot
Kingdom of Mount Roma
Former Leaders
Lich Kardun
From 2524 to 2528
Felgos The Ancient Bronze Dragon
From 2500 to 2524
This is the new crest post Reunion.
Dissolution Date
Founding Date
Illicit, Syndicate
Predecessor Organizations
Successor Organizations
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Dynasty of Saundersfoot
Kingdom of Mount Roma
Former Leaders
Lich Kardun
From 2524 to 2528
Felgos The Ancient Bronze Dragon
From 2500 to 2524
This is the new crest post Reunion.