Vuria Vurian Timeline Timeline
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Vurian Timeline

Age of Creation

0 BCY 6001 BCY

A time so ancient that most scholars know nothing of it save for myth and speculation.

  • The Unbegotten One creates Vuria and all life from the four Elemental Pillars.
  • The Unbegotten One creates life to fill the world they have created and gods to rule it. They leave behind The Keys of Creation to serve as cosmic law before leaving the multiverse entirely.
  • As some of these races learn to manipulate magic, they too begin creating entirely new species. Some species and races evolve naturally; others are created by gods and by unknown forces.

  • 8000 BCY

    6001 BCY

    Age of Abomination
    Era beginning/end

    The Kopru become the dominant species on Vuria turning many of the early sapient species into mindless thralls.

The Rise of Elvenkind

6000 BCY 5001 BCY

Prior to the arrival of the elves, the Kopru are the only great civilization on Vuria. Humans are tribal hunter-gatherers, living mostly in plains and light forests. Dwarves are barbaric mountain and foothill dwellers, mostly goatherds. Halflings live in the rolling hills and forests of the world, some distance from the humans, whom they respect greatly.

  • 6000 BCY

    Arrival of the Elves
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Elves arrive to Vuria from the Feywild. They quickly settle and adapt to their newfound home, establishing great cities across the world. This draws the attention of the Kopru who have largely and rapidly dominated the other primal races.

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  • 5500 BCY

    The Founding of Selna Dorei

    A group of elven refugees displaced by the Kopru discover a large island in the Lucent Sea. Here they build Selna Dorei, a great magical citadel from which they would begin to establish a near world-spanning elven culture and wretch the fate of Vuria from the hands of the Kopru.

    Lucent Sea
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    Selna Dorei
  • 5001 BCY

    The Defeat of the Kopru
    Era beginning/end

    The elves of Selna Dorei begin to resist the mind-controlling psionics of the Kopru. Their elves quickly and viciously push back, freeing many of the other primal races with each victory. While many of the Kopru fight to the last, some see their eventual defeat and place themselves in a type of stasis in remote and hidden enclaves around Vuria (such as Killing-Bone Isle) and wait for their inevitable return to the world to reclaim what was lost. The elves of Selna Dorei usher in a golden age of elvenkind, seeing themselves as guardians of Vuria.

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Golden Age of Elvenkind

5000 BCY 4001 BCY

Without the threat of the Kopru, the elven civilization of Selna Dorei reaches a golden age.

  • 5000 BCY

    Construction of the Eternal Library
    Construction beginning/end

    Construction of the Eternal Library in Selna Dorei is completed. It becomes the largest single collection of The Keys of Creation in Vuria's history. Ultimately, its contents will be lost to the Rains of Destruction and the fall of Selna Dorei.

    Lucent Sea
    More reading
    The Keys of Creation
  • 4500 BCY

    The Last Queen of Selna Dorei
    Political event

    Siritha drinks from the Chalice of Ages as part of her coronation as the elven High Queen of Selna Dorei. She will be the last to hold the title.

    Lucent Sea
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    Selna Dorei

Lost Age of Man

4000 BCY 3001 BCY

An era encompassing the glorious rise and catastrophic end of the first great civilization of man. Its achievements and its failings are forever lost in the Rains of Destruction to follow. The elven civilization of Selna Dorei turns upon itself and engages in a long and bloody civil war.

  • 4000 BCY

    Birth of Ramuh

    The human civilization of Ramuh begins a meteoric rise due to its great success in magic and technology. It conquers and assimilates all of the surrounding human tribes of the modern-day Heartlands and quickly grows very powerful.

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  • 3700 BCY

    3000 BCY

    The Elvish Wars
    Military action

    The last Elven Queen, Siritha dies and names the hero Nerilith as her successor. Siritha's daughter, Khicesi, conspires with the Elven Court to poison Nerilith during her coronation. The poison failed to kill Nerilith and instead turned her into the first lich. Enraged at the betrayal, Nerilith, the Lich Queen wages a long and bloody civil war against Khicesi and those loyal to her. At devastating expense, the Lich Queen is driven from Selna Dorei. The Lich Queen travels north, to Aeduin where she would build an empire. Devastated by war, Selna Dorei crumbles among in-fighting and quickly fades into antiquity.

    Lucent Sea
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  • 3500 BCY

    Ramuhlan Crusades
    Military action

    The civilization of Ramuh is flourishing. It welcomes refugees from Selna Dorei fleeing the Elvish Wars, but largely treats them as second-class citizens. Ramuhlan priests demand the extermination of the orc tribes living in the Heartlands and promote holy wars to hunt them down and destroy them.

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The Great Dark Age

3000 BCY 2001 BCY

An era started by catastrophic destruction, sending Vuria into a massive dark age. Much of the advancements in magic, technology, and learning that came before are forever lost.

  • 3000 BCY

    The Rains of Destruction
    Disaster / Destruction

    A secret magitech weapon is launched by Ramuh raining down on Vuria in a barrage of cataclysmic destruction. Ramuh and most of its territories are vaporized. Targeted for destruction as well, Selna Dorei sinks into the Lucent Sea and the Eternal Library with the largest collection of The Keys of Creation is lost forever.

  • 2900 BCY

    Arrival of the Tinker Gnomes
    Population Migration / Travel

    Following a nearly fatal miscalculation or Giant Space Hamster-related malfunction, a group of Gnomish Sidewheeler ships crash into a mountain range in Aeduin. Without a surefire way off Vuria, the survivors, a group of space-faring Tinker Gnomes, decide to use the remnants of their spelljammers to construct a fortified, floating city.

    Zhathair Isles

Age of Heroes

1000 BCY 1 BCY

  • 1000 BCY

    Ascension of the Grey Lady
    Religious event

    The Goblinoid population of Northern Lamera booms. Led by mutated goblin chieftan named Belizz, the goblinoids spread outward, displacing other humanoid tribes before them. The Grey Lady, an Incarnate of The Scourge, unites the Thuidan tribes under a common banner. She defeats the demon-possessed Belizz and awakens her Divine Spark.

    Northern Lamera
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Rise of the Mardin Empire

0 BCY 399 CY

The Mardin Empire is formed and spreads across Southern Lamera, creating the largest human civilization since Ramuh. It brings the Common Year Reckoning system, arcane, cultural, and scientific advancements with it and leaves desolation and decadence in its wake.

  • 1 CY

    Establishment of Common Year Reckoning
    Political event

    King Azzalshar the Great conquers the tribes of modern-day Uthmar and declares himself "the King of Kings." Common Year Reckoning is adopted as the standard calendar notation across the growing empire. King Azzalshar leads a series of conquests across Southern Lamera and establishes a dynasty of powerful mages able to draw arcane power from the lands around them.

    Southern Lamera
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    Mardin Empire
  • 309 CY

    Founding of Alzira

    The city of Alzira is founded in what will be modern-day Khavica

  • 313 CY

    The Ballarand Rebellion

    The Ballarand rebel against Mardin rule. They manage to win their independence despite the arcane superiority of the Mardin Empire. The Kingdom of Ballardan is established.

    Southern Lamera
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  • 390 CY

    Decline of the Mardin Empire
    Political event

    Plagued by centuries of draining their natural resources for arcane power and poor leadership, the Mardin Empire begins to collapse under its own weight. Its controlled provinces begin to rely more and more on their own governors than the authority of the emperor. The aristocracy turns to potent narcotics to supplement their arcane powers now that the Haunted Wasteland has been blighted to an arid desert.

    More reading
    Mardin Empire

Age of Upheaval

400 CY 999 CY

  • 560 CY

    Fall of the Mardin Empire
    Religious event

    The Peacemaker leads a massive peasant uprising against the Mardin Empire for their grave injustices against its people and its lands. The Incarnate defeats High Magus Nezzaru III's forces and puts the decadent wizard-king to the sword. He rejects the vacant throne and instead quests to rid the world of the powerful evil artifact behind the Mardin emperors' power. Following its destruction, his Divine Spark is awoken and he ascends into godhood.

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The Modern Age

1000 CY 1499 CY

  • 1210 CY

    Settlers on the Zhathair Isles
    Population Migration / Travel

    More settlers come to the Zhathair Isles, causing friction between the High Elves and the settlers.

    Zhathair Isles
  • 1262 CY

    The Rite of Thorns
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Children of the Thorns perform the Rite of Thorns, a violent ritual that corrupts the dryads that watch over the forest, turning the Scourge Wood into the hostile place it is today.

    Scourge Wood
    More reading
    Children of the Thorns
  • 1286 CY

    1290 CY

    War of the Isles
    Military action

    A Ballarand settler kills a high elf lord, setting off a war across the Zhathair Isles.

    Zhathair Isles
  • 1290 CY

    1330 CY

    The Forty Years War
    Military action

    Following a request for aid, the Kingdom of Ballardan arrives to the Zhathair Isles. The majority of the islands become a Ballardinian dominion. The High Elves struggle to remain independent; the folk of the islands revolt against Ballardinian rule. After a long and bloody stalemate, the forces of the islands unite and drive Ballardan (with backing from the noble families from the Kingdom of Khavica) from their shores, marking the end of the Forty Years War.

    Zhathair Isles
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  • 1331 CY

    Founding of the Zhathair Enclave

    The Zhathair Enclave is founded as a republic within the Zhathair Isles. The parliament is formed in Zhathair City.

    Zhathair Isles
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    Zhathair Enclave
  • 1423 CY

    1450 CY

    The Succession Wars

    After years of minor conflicts, the Succession Wars erupts; Khavica is locked in a broad civil war. Trade routes throughout southern Lamera become targets for bandits and the desperate.

    Southern Lamera
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  • 1423 CY

    Assassination of the last monarch of Khavica
    Life, Death

    King Alfons II is assassinated, and the merchant families squabble over the succession, each with an heir to the throne (legitimate or otherwise) in its control. Minor conflicts over trade and succession break out, eventually surmounting to the Succession War.

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  • 1450 CY

    The Golden Concordat

    Ramon Sandalin ends the Succession War by presenting the Golden Concordat to the other Merchant Lords of Khavica. It is signed in what will become known as the Hall of Lords and the Succession War comes to an end.

    Hall of Lords
    More reading
    Merchant Lords
  • 1489 CY

    1490 CY

    The Invasion of Ballardan
    Military action

    In a series of very rapid and brutal raids, the Jade Hawk Tribe invade eastern Ballardan. King Bran III signs an unpopular peace treaty with the Jade Hawk Tribe, ending the conflict.

    Southern Lamera
  • 1494 CY

    1497 CY

    Ballardinian Civil War
    Military action

    Following multiple elven uprisings in the duchies, Prince Caradec proclaims his support for their plight.

    Southern Lamera
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  • 1496 CY

    29 Palesun

    The Sign of the Defiler
    Religious event

    The skies darken and all around Vuria, the sign of The Defiler can be seen. Prophets and oracles speak that this is a sign that the Incarnate of the Defiler has been born.

    Northern Lamera
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New Age

1500 CY 1550 CY

  • 1509 CY

    24 Redfall
    1509 CY

    27 Redfall

    Dock Riots

    Civil uprising of ship and dock workers against unfair treatment by the shipping magnates.

    Alzira Docks
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    Sarotarian Isles
  • 1516 CY


    Coronation of Queen Nolwenn Thoraval
    Political event

    Unable to hide his ailments from the public, King Caradec of Ballardan leaves the kingdom through self-imposed exile, leaving the throne to his daughter, Nolwenn Thoraval. Barely an adult, there is whispers among the nobility on whether or not she is fit to rule.

    Castle Besannau
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  • 1517 CY

    16 Rainmoot

    The Second Ballardinian Civil War
    Military action

    Duke Gaulwen Le Tallec rejects the rule of Queen Nolwenn Thoraval and declares his duchy independent of the Ballardan crown. The Grand Duchy of Levaroux levies the first attack following loyalist forces encircling the border.

  • 1518 CY

    18 Palesun

    The Assassination of the Merchant Lords
    Political event

    Disgusted by the despotic actions and the practice of binding debtors to undead servitude, The Menagerie, along with Sadraec Bohera manage to convince the Merchant Lords to convene in one location. While there, they explode thirty kegs of blackpowder, killing the old heads of state. Thanks to an elaborate and quickly timed propaganda campaign by Teodora Malé and The Eye, the following chaos is quickly controlled with minimal loss of life.

  • 1518 CY

    17 Lowsun

    The Signing of the Guild Pact
    Political event

    The Guild Pact, a document outlying the restructuring of the government of Khavica is signed with Teodora Malé as Ruling Guild Master and she quickly sets to work expanding Khavica's wealth and influence throughout Southern Lamera, setting plans to colonize Killing-Bone Isle and offering amnesty to the Sarotarian Pirates, so long as they become privateers exclusively in service of Khavica.
