Gelum Organization in Vreathe | World Anvil
IMPORTANT NOTE! - Character articles are currently undergoing a major rewrite. Expect information in these article to be inconsistent for a few months. Expected time of completion is July.


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Isabell - Small-Tall.png
"Gelum is the most boring location in Lyonne. There's grass, cows, more grass, uhm, that's it! "

"Even the known varieties of magical creatures here are cows. Did I mention this place is boring?"

The Barony of Gelum is located in north central Lyonne. It is the smallest barony in Lyonne and one of the smallest in all the Kingdoms of Cassel. It is bordered to the south by the Barony of Ardens. To the east is Boreotis and Terminus and the west is Nivalis. To the south is Ardens. The area is surrounded almost entirely by the Vertika River and its tributaries.

Gelum is verdant flat grassland with very few trees except along the rivers. There is very little distinguishing the landscape other than the town of Brevis as well as several forts along the northern border, both newer forts and much older ruins. The land is dotted with dozens cattle farms.

Gelum forms an area known as the Northern Marches, along with the Baronies of Boreotis and Nivalis. This is a buffered area of land between the Elf-Kingdom of Lyonne and the human Kingdom of Rinea. In older times, this land was a buffer between Lyonne and the Bronze age empire of Sean-dora.

Year Created:
Controlled by:

Land Area:


4762, Bronze Age
Marquis Victor

2,002 km2

99% Elf
1% Orc

The Inbir Watchtowers

The current watchtowers that dot the border with Rinea were constructed at the beginning of the Iron Age and are known as the Specula, using a word borrowed from Irrelith. Some of the watchtowers are much older than this. The oldest that are still standing, the Inbir Watchtowers, were constructed about halfway through the Bronze Age, which was still around 25,000 years ago.

Granite can last pretty much forever in the right climates. Combined with mortar that has water repelling aethercite mixed in, it helped these forts to maintain almost the same appearance for many thouands of years. Until the middle Iron Age, humans in Cassel built their structures almost exclusively out of limestone because it was easier to work with. After only a thousand years, those structures are almost entirely worn away, and the elven structures that were built of limestone at the start of the Bronze Age aren't even recognizeable anymore.

Orsho, "Magic Cows"

There is a small herd of around 1500 cattle called Orsho, that roam around a specific area of Gelum, where magic energy concentrations are especially high. They are very similar to physical stature to Aurochs. These animals have bluish fur with white markings along their heads and bodies.

Their hides are often used to make a specialized armor for mages that absorbs magic. While most mammals are intelligent enough to use their stored mana to cast magic, Orsho are not known to do so. Their fur glows brighter the more mana they store similar to most other animals.

It seems that no matter how many of these Aurochs are hunted, more seem to always appear. This had led to rumors that somewhere in Gelum is a portal to another world. When the cattle suddenly appear in larger numbers, the mana levels in the area go down. This has led some mages to believe that these animals are somehow magically cloning themselves. There isn't a known way to prove either theory.


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