Nivalis Organization in Vreathe | World Anvil
IMPORTANT NOTE! - Character articles are currently undergoing a major rewrite. Expect information in these article to be inconsistent for a few months. Expected time of completion is July.


Article Contents

Isabell - Small-Tall.png
"Yet another empty area of land with no use! I will say the Lamia are an interesting people, but that's all I really have to say about Nivalis."

the Barony of Nivalis is located in the far northern reaches of Lyonne. It is bordered by the kingdom of Rinea to the North. To the south it is bordered by the baronies of Sylva Lucus, Ardens and Gelum. Most of its borders are along the Vertika River and its tributaries. Nivalis, along with the Baronies of Gelum and Boreotis, form what is known as the Northern Marches.

The land in the eastern part of the area is flat and mostly treeless. There are a number of farms that grow various grains, as well as a few cattle farms. The northern border has plenty of forts, both new and ancient, dotting the landscape.

The Western half of the land border the Serosie Mountains. Within the valleys between these mountains, various tribes of Lamia and Centaurs live. Further to the west outside the kingdom of Lyonne is a tall plateau named the Entaurian Highlands, that has a nomadic Centaur 'kingdom'. Every few years, traders from this kingdom travel over the mountains and sets up shop in Platfossa, the capital of Nivalis.

The Serosie Mountains do hold some secrets. Many Silver Age scholars that didn't want to be bothered by others took their research here and set up shop. This included one of the most famous among them, Lunian glace. His research could be a treasure trove of information and technology, but no one knows quite where his lab was located.

Year Created:
Controlled by:

Land Area:


4762, Bronze Age
Marquis Murail Bouclier

3,109 km2
Oceanic (East)
Continental (West)

85% Elf
4% Horned Elves
2% Cenaur
2% Lamia
1% Human


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