The Great Forest Geographic Location in Valdys | World Anvil
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The Great Forest


The Great Forest is a vast and often extremely dense woodland that stretches from the foothills of The Issar Mountains in the east across the Nerevarn Peninsula until it gradually disperses as it meets the lowlands in the west where the trees have been cleared over generations to allow farming.  The capital city of Illyria sits on the extreme southern edge of the forest, and to the north it stretches out into the The Nomad Plains where the trees begin to thin out on the dry grasslands.   Only one major river passes through the Great Forest; The River Iss, which cuts through the very southern edge of the forest on its way to Illyria.  Few roads traverse the dense woodland further north, the only major route being the main road which runs north-south along the Issar foothills between Illyria, capital of Nerevarn, and Raad, capital of Sarayne.  A smaller road cuts east-west through the densest parts of the forest from Das on the western coast, and joins the main road about halfway between the two capitals.


The trees are mostly deciduous, which makes travelling in the autumn and winter months slightly easier as more light penetrates to the forest floor when the trees are without their leaves.  Little is known about precisely which creatures and plants may live in the centre of the forest, as few people care to venture off the roads.  However wolf attacks are fairly common when small groups traverse the roadways at night, which suggests a functioning food chain capable of sustaining the high energy needs of such predators.
Alternative Name(s)
Namir's Wood, The Sacred Wood
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
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Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)
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