Sisters of Malkuth

Diplomatic action

17/11 16:00

Within the ruins of Sumiyoshi-taisha, Ryūzaki Sanosuke's eyes had well and truly glazed over as Metatron continued his endless lecture.   "Ah yes, the sphere, or 'sephirot' as they are sometimes called. There are ten of them, as I mentioned, reaching from Keter, the crown, down to Malkuth, the earth. Indeed, I am a manifestation of these concepts myself, thus my appearance as a tree in this mortal world. It is not a shape I am bound to, but it is one in which I am most comfortable. Likewise, I sit on the Divine Council as representative for Keter, but in truth that set belongs to the Lord God. Just as I represent Him in speaking to you, I represent Him on the council. From the crown to the earth, I delivery heavenly knowledge. It is my duty and my joy to do so."   Meanwhile, Aotsuki Tsukamoto was waiting patiently on the outskirts of Metatron's barrier. He looked up idly at the moth girl bumping her way across the unseen wall far above. Bonk. Bonk. He squinted as a small piece of light appeared to detach itself from the rift around it and began to descend toward him. He might not have seen it at all, had he not been looking up there already.

Aotsuki blinked, then watched the falling light with an expression of utmost confusion. The thing was descending at a leisurely pace, and as it came closer, the young Daimyō began to realize it was traveling toward him. Now that it was closer, he could make out that it was actually a single flame, rather than a shard of light, burning dully against the luminous sky. He positioned himself and reached up. Against the background of Sanosuke mentally relaying Metatron's infodump, Aotsuki attempted to will the fire into his own hand.   "It sounds as if there are nearly as many Angels as there are Kami in our lands," Sanosuke was saying, "What do you and the others think of our deities, and those of the far-off lands I've heard about?"   "I wonder," Aotsuki commented distractedly, "Didn't you say their highest angels could rival even our kami? That seems awfully assuming of them."   As he finished, the flame fluttered to the ground directly in front of Aotsuki, ignoring his attempts to coax it into his hand. With a sudden like and flare, it dissolved to reveal a woman standing on the sands before him. She fixed Aotsuki with a stern frown.   "Just what were you attempting to do to me, young man?"   Feeling somehow like he'd just been caught doing something wrong, Aotsuki reddened. "I suppose I was trying to catch you?" She did not look amused by this answer.   Unperturbed by the sudden appearance of a governess in his periphery, Metatron pushed on. "The deities of every pantheon are reflections of our single Creator God. In attempting to understand the natural processes of the world He has created, humans inevitably give their own shape to forces which are, in truth, facets of the great Will behind all existence."   "Whoa, what?" Sanosuke stammered. "I mean, who is that who just came down as a flame?" The Silver General was looking to where Aotsuki withered under the newcomer's stern glare. As though following some deep-ingrained rascal instinct, Tama sank into the earth and vanished from sight.   Fortunately, Aotsuki was not without a governess on his side as well. "Not to be rude," Imamura Naiku cut in, "But you do realize you are speaking to Aotsuki Tsukamoto, Daimyō of the Aotsuki Clan?"   "Of course I do," the other woman snapped back. "I have come to collect him for the upcoming meeting of the Divine Council, naturally. I am Adriel, of the Ishim."   "Collect me?" Aotsuki boggled. "I suppose it's better than trying to find a way up this tree, but you knew we would be trying even that?"   A short distance away, Sanosuke's attention was split. Something interesting was happening over there, but his palm was also still pressed to Metatron's cool surface and the angel's voice had not stopped filtering into his head. "That is Adriel, Throne of the Ishim. She has come to collect Aotsuki Tsukamoto so he may take his place as Divine Councilor of the Sephirot of Malkuth."   "Of course," Adriel continued, "It would be quite dangerous for you to enter Samayim without an escort. Even with my sister and I to guide you, the Arbiters will very likely attempt to remove you by force."   "I assume if you're here to collect me with your sister, then I've been invited." Aotsuki paused, the rest of what Adriel said catching up with him. "What reason would these Arbiters have to remove me?"   This question was met with a pitying look, as though the Ishim couldn't believe Aotsuki didn't already know this. "Obviously, they—"   Whatever Adriel is about to say next is cut off by a screeching sound as something streaks out of the sky and impacts with a heavy thud near them, leaving a long furrow in the sand. Aotsuki covered his ears and closed his eyes at the sudden arrival.   "But we've literally met many of our kami in person. You're saying they would reveal themselves to us as we know them without mentioning what you're telling me now...?" Sanosuke's question died on his lips as he saw the unwilling comet stand up out of her furrow and dust herself off.   "God-DAMN it!" the newcomer swore, spitting sand.   Adriel pinched the bridge of her nose, clearly exasperated. "Ariel, please. The Lord's name is not to be taken in vain."   "...Also, who is that and what are her hobbies?" Sanosuke finished.   Aotsuki unblocked his ears and stared at the newcomer. "This is your sister? What a bombastic entrance."   No hint of surprise or emotion otherwise entered Metatron's voice as he coolly continued his explanation. "It is the way of all beings to not understand their nature or origins. In the same way as humans, deities do not innately understand they are all shards of a much greater being, the Creator God, whose very will, very existence, is the fabric of this universe. As for the angels who have arrived, Adriel and Ariel, they are here only to bring Aotsuki to fulfill his place on the Divine Council. As the chosen representative to speak for humanity, Aotsuki Tsukamoto is given the tenth seat, that of Malkuth. These two are Ishim, and it is their role to sue for equality between humans and the divine. Therefore, they are the most 'human' of those who dwell in Samayim, particularly in their outward appearance. Ariel, Lion of God, has many hobbies including fighting other angels, expressing her anger with the Arbiters of Geburah, and protecting humans from evil influences. Ah, and I believe she also enjoys collecting buttons."   The angel in question was currently spitting with fury. "Stuck-up Dominion jerks, I'll be right back after I..." Ariel trailed off as her eyes fell on Aotsuki for the first time. "Oh, you found him. That was easy."   Adriel sighed. "You tried to fistfight a Dominion of Geburah? What did you expect to happen?"   Aotsuki watched this exchange, still nonplussed into near-silence. He'd learned several things already, but likely not the important things. "They seem nicer than the others," Kagami offered. He could only nods in agreement.   The second angel approached him then, still picking bits of sand off her clothing. "So, how much has she told you already?"   "I'm to be escorted to Samayim," Aotsuki answered, "Where there may be issues with some Arbiters, and something about a Divine Council. My question is, how quickly can I be expected to return to Japan?"   "That's right, but let me get this straight. You've been summoned to determine the fate of your entire country, Sodom-and-Gomorroah-style, and you want to know when you'll be back?"   "The convening of the Council," her sister added, "Will not take long on its own; however, it may take some time and effort to traverse the expanse of Samayim to its heart."   "That's great, friend," Sanosuke finally said to Metatron. "I should go and see if they need my help. Talk again soon...maybe?"   "It has been a duty and a joy to speak with you. If you require additional information, you may approach as needed," Metatron's last words echoed in Sanosuke's mind as the Silver General removed his hand and approached the others.   "I think it's a valid question," Aotsuki was saying. "Time will not stop here while beings are discussing their attempts to pass false judgment on our country."   "Apologies for the late introduction. I was conversing with the Divine Councilor of Keter, there. Ryūzaki Sanosuke. You need something with Aotsuki-san?" The Silver General smoothly inserted himself into the conversation. However, Ariel didn't turn her attention from Aotsuki. Instead, her sister Adriel turned to regard the newcomer.   "Aotsuki Tsukamoto has been summoned to speak on the Divine Council as a representative for humanity," she explained, exasperated. "How many times must I repeat this?"   Sanosuke was unperturbed, though he did take a moment to take in his surroundings and the location of his other companions. Mary Lyn was watching from some distance away, with her full attention still on analyzing the barrier surrounding the tree. Takayama Ukon in contrast, was keeping a wide distance from the angels. Something about her demeanor seemed uncharacteristically subdued.   "The Council won't begin without you, but Netzach also won't wait forever before declaring you in contempt of your summons..." Ariel was explaining.   "Am I allowed..." Aotsuki began, searching for the right word, "...assistants on this journey?"   "Assistants? You can bring whoever you want, I guess, but keep in mind it might be dangerous. We'll move faster and be less visible in a small group too," Ariel answered. "The more we provoke Geburah, and the less the Mercies of Chesed can cover for us, the worse off we'll be."   Meanwhile, Sanosuke only had eyes for one person, not even meeting Adriel's steely gaze. "I think it'd be easier to understand if this nee-chan explains it instead. No offense."   Adriel obviously took offense at the dismissal, her scowl intensifying. As she thought over what he'd just said, however, an odd expression of amusement quickly overtook her anger. "'Nee-chan'?" With an impishness at complete odds to her earlier demeanor, Adriel reached over and tapped her sister's shoulder.   "How many people were you thinking of taking with you any— What, Adriel? What?" Ariel snapped.   "Sister," Adriel mugged at her, "This human thinks you're cute."   That silenced Ariel entirely, who could only stare at her sister for a moment.   "Ain't she, though?" Sanosuke grinned, his saltswept hair a roguish frame for that winning smile. "So, we gotta go now, or we got some time, or what? I'm not sure we've exactly put together everything ol' 'Rai-Ki' was sying."   "T-that's not important right now," Ariel blustered as her cheeks flushed. "You interrupted my discussion with the Councilor for that?" she accused her sister.   "Sometimes even I must indulge in my role as a meddlesome younger sister." Adriel showed not a trace of remorse.   Ariel stuck out her tongue at that, then turned back to the human pair. "You have some time if you want, just don't keep Netzach waiting forever. They'll be looking for an excuse to judge you in contempt, you know."   Aotsuki looked to his companion. "So, Sanosuke. I suppose you're on board?"   "'On board with what' still seems to be the question..." the Silver General mused.   "I've been summoned to speak on the Divine Council as a representative of humanity, so we're going to their Heaven," the young Daimyō explained patiently.   "We've at least got to bring a lawyer. Somehow. It would also be nice to..." Sanosuke seemed to realize something. "Oi, Mary-chan. Anything interesting?"   The court wizard approached, her expression still distracted with whatever calculations ran through her head. "Hm? Ah, I haven't made much progress here. What's going on, Sir Sanosuke?"   "If a small group went to Samayim with Aotsuki-san, could you arrange a way for everyone to return if their hosts were..." He sought a diplomatic way to say it. "...reluctant to let them go? And if Fujino-chan weren't able to come and go as she pleases?"   Meanwhile, Aotsuki was considering Sanosuke's comment about a lawyer. "My wife is stellar at navigating the law, but I have to admit...I'd be nervous bringing her along."   "The Arbiters won't kill anyone," Ariel assured him. Her sister's expression was one of concern, however. "Well, not kill kill."   "Kill kill?" Aotsuki felt a pit of worry form in his stomach. "What does that entail?"   "As they're not committed to kill humans," Adriel explained, "the angels of Geburah have devised other ways of restraining their enemies. ...Indefinitely."   "She means they'll stop you in time forever, basically," Ariel sighed.   "I have to admit that isn't ideal," Aotsuki agreed.   "Ah!" Mary cut in with an idea, "We could use the Mugen Gauntlet, at least to return to the entrance. We could also theoretically 'tear the veil' with Dream magic and escape to the Dreamlands. It may not be ideal, but it would likely be easier to return to Japan from there than from Samayim." She appeared to think further for a moment. "I'd only need enough time to retrieve the Gauntlet, but we'd need someone who's studied Dream magic to give us our other escape route."   At the same time, Aotsuki was coming to a realization. "Even still, this is something I, at least, need to do. Otherwise Japan is likely to face, uh, whatever you said about Gomorrah."   "Well..." Ariel began.   "It's not certain the Divine Council will rule against you," Adriel finished for her sister.   "Right. I know Chesed and Tiferet are in favor of keeping you around. But you don't want your vote being the one that could have saved your country, am I right?"   "Exactly," Aotsuki agreed. "Are we going to be discussing the topic, or will this only be me showing up to present a vote?"   "You'll have a chance to make your case, I think. And, uh..." Ariel turned to address Sanosuke, who was musing on Dreamweavers he might be able to call on in a hurry. "We'd welcome your strength, if you're able to come."   As though a rail had been driven through his spine, Sanosuke suddenly stood ramrod-straight. He offered a reassuring grin and a confident flex. "How many people can we safely bring?"   "Uh... There's not really any hard limit, is there, Adriel?"   "Bring who you wish," the governess answered, "But understand that the more who enter Samayim with us, the more Geburah will resist and the longer it may take us to reach our goal."   Sanosuke, who was already putting out his feelers for backup, nodded. He pinged Trivia, his on-call Moon Lawyer, as well as Aoki Michiko, whom he had a date with scheduled later that day in the Imperial Archive. Perhaps she'd enjoy visiting somewhere likely no other human had set foot.   Aotsuki, meanwhile, was doing much the same. He informed his wife of the situation and assuaged her concern, then delivered the same information to his adviser. Abe no Seimei, however, had some advice to parcel with her response. It may be wise, she suggested, to take Momose Nao. After all, if no mortal could devise a cure for his condition, then perhaps such a panacea lay within the realm of the divine.   It seemed, then, that the two Cardinal Generals were on the cusp of an adventure, with only the gathering of their allies to accomplish before they were to enter the rift above.