Heavens' Gate Plot in Tsuwamono | World Anvil

Heavens' Gate

On the 17th of November, close to midday, the sky violently split open just north of Shimonoseki. A great lightning bolt, shaped like a tree with its forks piercing the gash in the heavens, lit the great crowd which had collected to witness The Mōri Tournament. A sextet of strange beings descended from the rift and addressed all those present. These creatures claimed to be Elohim of the Netzach order. Led by one calling herself Baraqiel, the Elohim declared that they would judge humanity and take their findings back to the Heavenly Council, who would decide the mortals' fate. Based on the beings' disparaging comments about consorting with Demons and Oni both, the prognosis did not seem good.   At a meeting between leaders shortly thereafter, Aotsuki Tsukamoto was nominated as a representative for humankind to deliver their case before the Council.

Cover image: be connected to by ま犬


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