Session Report: 12 March 2021 Report in Tsuwamono | World Anvil

Session Report: 12 March 2021

A New Champion Rises

General Summary

In this session of Tsuwamono, the following events transpired:

The Behandsoming of Maxim

1559年11月15日 21:30 (Evening)


Historical Entry: The Behandsoming of Maxim

  Stepping out from Ago Manor to the chill night air beyond, Knight Commander Maxim found his retainers Kitsuno and Shishikura Makiko. The former, in particular, wore an expression of satisfaction bordering on smugness. Kitsuno had made no secret of the fact that it would be in Maxim's best interest for them to act together more often.   Intending to make for Shimonoseki before the late hour grew even later, Maxim once again encountered some hesitation on the psychic's part. She was watching some kind of fight, apparently. To judge by her mental tone, it must be a very exciting one at that. When Maxim asked for more details, the psychic grew suddenly evasive. Maxim decided, however, that now was not the time to pursue answers. He merely asked for a jump to Shimonoseki and then allowed Fujino to be on her way.   It was normally her wont to land closer to the city center, but this time Fujino dropped Maxim and his companions off near Shimonoseki's eastern edge. Indeed, he was only a few streets away from the coliseum, whose looming silhouette almost looked like a great turtle blocking part of the horizon. This location would work well enough for Maxim's purposes, anyway. His destination was the Old Ōuchi Manor, located on a bluff not far from the eastern outskirts. Before he could even orient himself, however, Maxim heard the thunder and felt the ground shake.   Something immense was happening somewhere near the center of Shimonoseki. If the gathering storm clouds, arcing with fierce lightning, were not warning enough, the violent shaking of the ground spurred Maxim to action. Foreign land though this was, it was still his duty as a Knight to see to the safety of civilians during a disaster. Setting off at a brisk pace, he felt Kitsuno and Makiko wordlessly fall in behind him. No doubt both were following similar lines of thought.   When, a few seconds later, the quaking ground suddenly ceased, Maxim nearly stumbled. The sheer abruptness with which the earthquake had stopped did not seem natural. He quickened his pace even as the other side of the street began to crowd with onlookers. The thunder and shaking had roused most residents of Shimonoseki from sleep, and they now began to throng in the byways of the city looking for the source of the racket.   To Maxim's relief, the faces he saw as he shouldered through the crowd didn't look frightened. Instead, they bore expressions ranging from exasperation to curiosity and... Why was that man grinning at him like that? As the Knight Commander's eyes swung around, he caught a woman blushing as she looked right at him, then away. Someone called out, egging him on, asking what was happening. All around, Maxim could feel the approval of the crowd as they urged him forward toward the thunderclouds ahead. "Foreign Champion," they called him.   Was this how Aotsuki felt all the time? Maxim allowed a confident smile to grace his features. He would see to whatever was happening, he assured the growing crowd of admirers. Just leave it to him.   From there, it took only a few minutes more to reach the center of the city. Judging from the number of people packed about its yard, The Tanuki's Glee seemed to be the nexus of all this. The raging lightning above did indeed seem to be centered over that very spot. Walking up, Maxim found that he did not even need to push his way through this crowd. They opened before him with exclamations of delight and joy that the great foreigner had arrived.   Reaching the front, Maxim could see the aftermath of what must have been a battle of truly staggering scale. The nearby stable was ruined, collapsed in on itself, while a roiling thunderstorm hovered inexplicably just off the ground behind Ryūzaki Sanosuke. Beside him, Hōzōin In'ei was sheathing her own weapons. Of the two, Sanosuke clearly seemed the most winded and battered, yet In'ei was the one conceding the fight.   The Silver General turned his back for a moment to blow away the lingering lightning with a powerful huff of his lungs. The thunderstorm above, too, seemed to be dwindling now. He turned back just in time to hear Fujino apologizing for how she'd hidden the ongoing fight from Maxim by dropping him off at the side of the city. How that had been wrong of her. That didn't sound very much like Fujino's usual tone and... Had he ever heard her apologize like that before?   When Niiro Tadatsuru's husky voice called Maxim a "hunk," Sanosuke's brow furrowed further. Something was wrong, he could feel it. Looking over, he saw that the crowd had all but forgotten him despite the recent spectacle. They were clustered around Maxim instead. There, the Silver General saw what the Knight Commander himself could not. Maxim's features had been subtly altered. All the roughness of his face was smoothed out, made symmetrical, and molded into a classically handsome shape. From his jutting, chiseled chin to his kind, sparkling eyes, every bit of Maxim was a treat to the eyes. Indeed, this dashing young knight, with his beautiful flaxen hair, might even be on the level of Aotsuki. Could that really be Maxim? What had happened to him
Omens from Ōtsu

1559年11月15日 21:30?


Historical Entry: Omens from Ōtsu

  In the port of Baharna, young lord Aotsuki Tsukamoto watched Fubuki depart with Jorani the Whitesmith. They still had to return to The Thing in the Attic to deliver the other Wamp corpses, but for now it seemed they had some time to spare while their ally attended a lesson in smithing. No sooner had Fubuki passed from sight than Aotsuki received a mental message from Abe no Seimei. Even telepathically her voice sounded strained, as though she was about to deliver bad news.   Indeed, it was not what Aotsuki wanted to hear. Their captive-slash-guest, Shōjo, still unconscious from previous events, refused to awaken from her slumber. Worse, she'd been muttering something as she slept. The guards couldn't make it out, so Roxy was summoned. Her keen ears caught only something like: "She draws near," repeated over and over.   Who "she" might be or why she was apparently coming to Ōtsu Castle was not entirely clear. Aotsuki's stomach fell. He thought he had a guess. After all, there was still one member of that accursed family yet unaccounted for.   Silent for a few moments, Aotsuki then asked Seimei for the second of her two reports. This one was at least not so foreboding. That great pastel tower which they'd asked Alice of Hearts to create on the site of Kannonji Castle had indeed been swallowed up when night came. More curiously, Kannonji had apparently integrated the tower into its own design. It'd been completely assimilated, and now the common folk all believed it had always been part of the structure. Indeed, from what Seimei had heard, Rokkaku no Ateshi now called the tower her home.   Curiouser and curiouser, Aotsuki thought. There had to be some clue that was staring him straight in the face, something that would make sense of all this, but if there was, even Seimei couldn't see it. Naturally, she thought it an outside possibility that she'd miss such a thing. Thanking his adviser for those admittedly troubling reports, Aotsuki made note that they were finishing up their business in the Dreamlands and would be back soon. From the way things were going in his own province, their Daimyō couldn't afford to stay away much longer regardless.   While Aotsuki held this mental conference, Hashinara Yoshitakatomo remained in his company. Not privy to the conversation, she* instead busied herself* with examining the three pale corpses lying limp and draped over the sides of their cart. They were curious things, and dangerous. How, after all, could a biological creature cause another to bleed from its eyes at a distance? Yoshitakatomo caressed the smooth skin of her* subject in search of answers.   After a few moments of examination, the Princess-Daimyō discovered something queer under the mass of hair that covered each Wamp's head. Some kind of bulbous, fleshy organ was attached to its neck. By running fingertips over it, Yoshitakatomo could tell that a series of large, organic tubes ran under the organ's skin in a complex tangle. What they might be used for, however, she* could not say. A frown forming beneath her* mask, Yoshitakatomo found her* medical knowledge failing her*. Somehow this subject seemed to have not received as much attention as others during her* studies. The Daimyō made a mental note to remedy that in the near future.   As Yoshitakatomo's companion finished his own discussion, the two took a moment to reconvene. Aotsuki filled the Princess in on what had been happening in Ōmi Province, receiving a description of that horrid Wamp organ in return. What's more, Yoshitakatomo chose this moment to inform Aotsuki of the great disturbance her* avatars had sensed back on Earth. Its source was unclear, but seemed to be a battle between truly titanic powers.   The obvious next step was to investigate after they finished the last of their business here. These corpses still needed to be delivered to Kravann back at the inn to claim their final reward, however. Fortunately, Fubuki was just finishing up her* lesson with Jorani. One vial of Wamp blood for one Wampwyrd weapon. It seemed simple enough, although the corpses didn't seem to have any other applications in the realm of blacksmithing. Their business done, the Whitesmith mentioned something about being contacted from the other side of the portal, a missive from someone whose name she butchered as "Tan-haze." Fubuki's recent time spent in studying languages came to her* aid then. She* was able to piece the mangled name back together as Tanahase. It seemed they might indeed meet again sooner rather than later.
The Fujiwara Effect (Part 2)

1559年11月15日 21:30 (Evening)

The Tanuki's Glee

Historical Entry: The Fujiwara Effect (Continued)

  Then, he paused. Falling to one knee, Sanosuke felt the memory of pain once again shoot through his shoulder. He spoke what seemed like nonsense, holding one side of a conversation with a party Hōzōin In'ei could not hear. Unknown to her, Ryūzōji Ryōka was providing the other half of the dialogue, telepathically speaking directly to Sanosuke's inner being.   Perhaps she could have ended it there, but In'ei held back. In a show of respect for her opponent, the kensei allowed this little drama to play out. It gave her a chance, too, to recover her balance from the pervious exchange. As Sanosuke stood again, the clouds rumbled and flashed overhead. A storm was gathering.   The Silver General's keen mind had been working at the problem even through his despair, and he thought he now had the answer. Pulling off his cloak, the air around him crackled with barely-contained energy. The air tasted coppery and lightning arced from his broad shoulders. It was as though Sanosuke had become the nexus for his own personal storm. Then came the thunder.   Weapons discarded, channeling pure lightning through his fists, Sanosuke slammed his foot into the ground and pushed forward. The liftoff was so powerful that it caused the earth itself to shudder. He'd tried to direct as much of the force as possible toward In'ei, but there were no half-measures with strength that great. Half the watching crowd fell over, the Tanuki's Glee creaked ominously as it bowed to the side, and Kono Minoko's angry shouting was drowned out by the sound of her stable collapsing in on itself.   For all the violence of the impact, Hōzōin In'ei was not fazed. She took a half-step back to maintain her balance. Even this small movement, however, seemed to break her stance. In'ei could not perfectly deflect Sanosuke's attacks as she did before, and was forced to rely on using her ki-charged umbrella as a shield. This she did adroitly. Sanosuke's first and second punches slid off the parasol's unnaturally rigid surface without a chance to impart their full force. The third, however, pushed past that barrier and struck In'ei herself. The kensei was lifted partially off the ground by the force of Sanosuke's blow. He breath driven out as electricity shot up and down her body, she barely managed to keep her feet.   It seemed that In'ei's intense physical conditioning came to her aid. Even after such a hit, she would not fight at anything less than her full capacity. Sanosuke could tell though, veteran that he was, that his opponent would not withstand another such blow. The kensei seemed to realize it as well, but she showed no sign of fear.   Rather, In'ei's thin lips tugged up at the corners. Her eyes shone with an intensity to match the lightning crackling about Sanosuke. Finally, she exclaimed, he'd come at her full force. That meant that she no longer had to hold back either.   When the Guardian of Nara moved next, it was almost too quick for Sanosuke to follow. Her leap was indeed too agile for him to turn around as she flitted through the air over his head. Landing with her feet already perfectly set, In'ei delivered a perfectly-aimed strike to Sanosuke's back. He simply couldn't block in time. Fortunately, his body was enhanced by more than just training. With a twist, Sanosuke let the spear skid across the hardened muscles of his abdomen. Certainly, the blade met plenty of flesh, but without a direct hit, it could not pierce his ki-powered fortification.   Putting the momentum of his turn to good use, Sanosuke answered by slamming the ground again with an inhumanly precise exertion of power. Met with kinetic energy that countered it exactly, the ground abruptly stopped shaking. In'ei had been ready for another quake, but not this. Shifting her weight, she overcompensated and fell backward in a tangle of limbs and fine cloth. Of course, a man of the Silver General's reputation could not allow such an opportunity to go wasted. Stepping forward, he pressed the assault.   Even supine as she was, In'ei made a great show of deflecting Sanosuke's attacks. It helped that he was aiming for her head with each punch, apparently aiming to knock her out rather than deliver a deathblow. As a result, however, his attacks were predictable. In'ei almost blocked the first one. When it slipped through her guard, the punch had hardly enough force left behind it to be any real threat. Still, Sanosuke remained conscious of the destructive effects his titanic strength might have on an unprotected head. He stopped the first just shy of In'ei's head. In response, the kensei could only accuse him of underestimating her. She bowed her head forward, knocking it ungently onto Sanosuke's knuckles. To the Silver General, it felt like punching a solid metal plate.   As to underestimating her, however, Sanosuke could deny that in good faith. While In'ei had been preoccupied with mocking his hesitant punch, the Silver General drew another one back. Seeking to hide his movements as much as possible, he launched an uppercut straight at In'ei's chin. The sneak attack was partially successful. While the kensei managed to get her umbrella in the way, it was much too late for a full block. Only partially hindered, Sanosuke's fist cracked against her chin, forcing her head to snap backward. Her eyes swam for a moment, but then refocused. Sanosuke had once again held back his full strength, in a bid not to kill his opponent, but such an attack had also failed to down her. As In'ei managed to disengage and regain her feet, laughing about feeling fear for the first time in a while, Sanosuke reflected that this wasn't an opponent he'd be able to defeat without going all-out.   It seemed more and more likely, however, that he'd missed his chance. The incredible power flowing through Sanosuke, that rupture of destiny which allowed him to exceed all mortal limits, was beginning to ebb. At the same time, In'ei had increased her pace, calling upon that same inner storm that Sanosuke had been tapping since his first real assault.   The two clashed like a pair of circling hurricanes. Sanosuke's fists were a hail of thunderclaps, but they each failed to penetrate In'ei's skillful defense. When he launched a particularly powerful strike, she would just fall back upon a perfect defense which could not be pierced. Not so long as she held her stance. In return, the kensei's cross-tipped spear moved like lightning. It stabbed, twirled, and thrust, always seeming to find a way behind her opponent. Most of her attacks were futile. Shed of the weight of his weapons, Sanosuke could move like a cloud, parting and shifting in response to most any series of attacks. Some of them struck their mark, however. When they broke again, the Silver General was bleeding from more wounds than just the one on his shoulder. Inflicted upon a lesser man, they surely would have been fatal.   Pushed beyond his limits long ago, Sanosuke cast about for any plan that might save him. In'ei was tired too, he could tell, but destiny was quickly withdrawing its favor from the Silver General. If he didn't end this soon, there'd be no way he could keep up with his opponent's superior skill. What's more, In'ei had already seen his ploy in shaking the earth. She likely wouldn't shift if he tried that again. Gathering up all the electricity he could in one leg, he tried something different.   His limb thundering with energy, Sanosuke swept the leg. In'ei blocked the attack easily, of course. She was far too experienced a fighter to be taken off-guard by such an obvious ploy. Or, that would have been the case if Sanosuke's ploy was just to trip his opponent. Cast off from his swing, the lightning storm gathered and roiled in the center of the yard. Raw electricity crackled and arced around In'ei at the center. From the darting of her eyes, the Silver General could tell that she felt threatened. He held his next attack back, waiting for her to play into his hands.   She did just what he expected, leaping behind Sanosuke with such speed that he shouldn't be able to follow, conveniently exiting the static storm in the process. This was exactly what he'd been waiting for, however. Sanosuke's foot hooked up and axed downward, catching the side of In'ei's head midair. There was no hesitation this time, no glancing hit, no hindering umbrella. The full force of Sanosuke's titanic kick crashed into and through Hōzōin In'ei's head.   The Silver General winced. This was not how he'd wanted it to end, but what choice did he have? If he held anything back during that fight, he was sure he'd not have emerged the victor. A macabre mosaic unrolled in his head, tiled with pictures of In'ei's head bursting like a melon, spraying red and grey, the horrified gasps of the audience, the awful mess that Minoko would have to clean up, and the hollow feeling that always came from slaying a worthy opponent. Why did all of Sanosuke's fights have to end this way?   Except that this one didn't. Hōzōin In'ei landed sprightly right in front of Sanosuke. She was cracking her neck and a thin rivulet of blood ran down from the side of her right temple. But she was very much alive. For all intents and purposes, In'ei claimed, however, she had died. That made Sanosuke the victor. Any evidence to her still being alive, not having her head crushed like an overripe berry, must just be a fluke of fate.   For a moment, Sanosuke just stared as he struggled to process this. A pressing thought broke through all the confusion, however. He had won. The Champion of Susano'o had fallen, and he would take her place. From this point forward, he was truly a vessel of the storm, with the great power and responsibility that came with it.   While the monumental implications sank into her darling's skull, Ryūzōji Ryōka was busy trying to work out what had just happened. She shouted something to congratulate him, but the wheels in her head were turning all the while. Eventually, the answer came from an unexpected place. The only thing that Ryōka could reconcile to what she'd just seen was a trait specific only to humans. While often weak, fleshy, and small-minded, the greatest of humans possessed an uncanny ability to defy fate, destiny, and even physics in their direst moments. That was the only thing that made sense, but Hōzōin In'ei wasn't a human, was she? There was, of course, the rumored ability of Susano'o's champion to steal the abilities of those they defeated in a fair fight. Perhaps In'ei had, at some point in the past, vanquished a human hero...?   Across the yard, Maxim had just shouldered his way through a weirdly adoring crowd. He'd been drawn, no doubt, by the cataclysmic symptoms of their battle. And, judging by the loving reaction Maxim's arrival had inspired in the audience, it seemed like he was bringing some new bullshit with him. Ignoring the chiseled chin and sparkling eyes that were not Maxim's normal face, Sanosuke turned and dispersed the lingering lightning with a great heave of his mighty lungs.   A moment after, In'ei grabbed his hand with one of her many. She lifted it to the sky, where a storm was only now starting to calm. Thunder pealed one last time as the kensei proudly announced Susano'o's new champion. Now he just had to choose his prize.

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Report Date
12 Mar 2021
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