Draco-Giant War Military Conflict in Toriel | World Anvil

Draco-Giant War

After the great extinction, as the lands of this world returned to a more primal state, only the strongest of species survived unarmed. Among those, the dragons and giants were the most prominent, and became natural leaders, thus begining the era of the dragons. Although other monsters of immeasurable power existed, the dragons and giants were the most numerous, at least in comparison, and they were also the ones with the most penchant for dominating the land.   Dragons and giants were already inhabitants of these worlds, giants used to share the land with humanoids, and dragons, revered by many, were often pillars of civilizations and cities. It is precisely these conditions that pushed them to conquer the lands after the disappearance of the humanoids. Whether it is the dragons, too used to dominate the inferior races, or the giants rich of new territories.   For hundreds of years, this situation remained as it was, conflicts of this kind provoked some fights between dragons and giants, but nothing too important, nevertheless, the tension was growing. The few humanoid tribes in the territory of these creatures who had not been forced into a tyrannical regime, whether it was the dragons looking for subjects to worship and serve them, or the giants playing with them, often using the tribes they came across as future food.   Nevertheless, each year that passed, the dragons were more avaricious of wealth, that it is economic, spiritual or cultural (gold, work of art, knowledge), of this fact, they exerted strong pressure on the giants, in the hope to obtain more of these treasures which they sought. On their side, the giants, happy to freely walk the vast lands, always wanted more territories, pushing them to enter the domains under the influence of dragons.  



This phenomenon became worse and worse, adding to the already existing tensions, until a war broke out. A squadron of storm giants marched into the mountains, tracking down a monster with a very particular taste, a future meal of choice for these soldiers. Their tracks led them to the cave of a white dragon, which, not appreciating the intrusion, killed them all, in its rage, it descended the mountain, hovering until the village of the giants, its menacing shadows falling on the village. He started a real massacre, wiping the village off the map.   The giants heard about the massacre, and sent more troops on a punitive expedition, killing the snow-colored dragon in his sleep. The dragons in turn heard of the events, and each began the systematic slaughter of the giant villages near their territories, and of course the giants responded, and it quickly became an all-out war.   Additionally, the capture and curse of Merithra and Caelestrasz by the giant is said to have hugely impacted the way those tension evolved.  

The war

The giants were organized, with the village leaders quickly organizing themselves into commanders, and a hierarchy was established within the giants according to their roles in each tribe (this hierarchy is separate from, and in addition to, the hierarchy between the different giant races). The representatives of each sub-race of giant met to make decisions, trying to find the best strategies to fight these terrible enemies.   The giants knowing that they lacked strength, they relied on a varied arsenal, using many siege engines, and ranged weapons against flying threats, all of which were equipped with mace, swords and other tools for killing in close combat.   Heavy armor protected the giants from some of the effects of the dragons' devastating breath, moving in formation so that they could raise their shields against the coming attacks, the new generations being trained in the art of war from a young age.   The dragons were more independent from each other, acting on their own, but as the years of war went by, they organized themselves, coordinated their attacks, and countered the tactics of the giants.   The dragons, well aware of their advantages in the air, did their best to stay there, having to fight only the giant clouds, possessing spells that allowed them to fly.  
Dragon's armor
A single instance of draconic armor was found in the Ice-peak Concord. The leftover pieces of an impressive size, were made to fit the dragon shape, but only small portion of the full armor where found.
Said armor, made of adamantine, would be pricelss if it was found in its entierty, and some adventurers still look for the missing parts to this day.
    As the battles progressed, new ways of killing were discovered, the dragonite created during the most terrible battles could be used as an explosive against the scaled beasts, the magic of the giants would try to ground them, or many giants would try to hurt them. Giant troops were made up of large numbers of individuals, as there was strength in numbers, especially when faced with the devastating powers of dragons.
Each sub-species of giant had its own particularities, affinities with magic, and its own abilities, and the specializations of each troop depended greatly on this. Nevertheless, these troops were often made up of giants of different origins in order to be able to counter the dragons more effectively.  
Distinctive Sign
The giants used to have a symbol on their armor, showing that they belonged to a particular village. Villages that could not forge armor often had tabards to wear over it instead.
  The dragons were similar in this respect, with each dragon subspecies having its own particularities and abilities. However, it was very rare to see dragons in groups, as the power of one dragon was often more than enough to make a sizeable enemy to giant armies. The battlefields, initially located on the borders between giant and dragon territories, quickly spread to the four corners of the globe, with dragons covering huge spaces quickly, and giants being scattered everywhere. Making many places the theater of war horror.   Communication between the two sides was possible, and attempts at peace did exist, missives brought to the dragons to arrange a discussion were delivered, and sometimes accepted. Unfortunately, neither race was willing to give anything up to the other, and so the war continued. The giants, in the course of many battles, used many tricks and other tactics to try to gain any advantage against the dragons. However, if these tactics failed, it usually meant the death of the entire squad. Dragons also used traps and other tactics to make it easier for themselves to get away, especially since such a plan, even if it failed, was much less likely to result in death for the dragon.   Prisoners were not the most common thing, on both sides, a victory usually meant the total slaughter of the enemy forces. The rare prisoners were usually used as slaves. The ranks within the giants were formed very quickly out of necessity, and the relationships between the different ranks of the giant army could be conflicting, but the new officers were given the position not because of the luck of being a village chief, or anything else before the war, but because of their abilities, and their prowess in battle.   The hierarchy among the dragons was much simpler, almost rudimentary. The more senior a dragon was, the more authority he had, and dragon society has always worked that way, and continued to do so during the war. The war although total, and forcing the majority of the population of both races to fight, was not necessarily appreciated by all, some rare dragons, or giants, did not appreciate the impact of this war on the Toriel, or on either race. But these differing opinions were a minority.   The death of each dragon was a significant event, the draconic population was very limited, and as the war dragged on, each side was coming to an end. The giants, despite their best efforts, could not win, and were pushed to the far north, forced to isolate themselves on an island, now called Giant Island. The dragons, almost being, enjoyed a well-deserved rest, meditating on the atrocities committed during this war.   This finally gave the humanoid tribe the opportunity to flourish, and to recolonize this world, giving way to the modern age.

Draco-Giant War

Basic Information
Material Plane (Toriel)  
Quasi-Extinction of the dragon,
Banishment of the Giant on the Giant Island,
End of the Era of the Dragons
Conflict Type
Start Date
370 BD
Ending Date
0 BD





Nearly all dragons
~27,000 Giants Killed


Amassing hoards of treasures.
Expanding their territories

Cover image: Legacy of Kendorall by Brolken


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