Yuan-ti Species in Toriel | World Anvil


The serpent creatures known as yuan-ti are an ancient civilization. Ages ago, during the dragon era, they prayed their god for protection, and a new god arose for the Yuan-ti, Sseth, granting them protection during the era of dragons. They didn't had to hide from the flying beast, prospering when others were hiding.  


The bodies of all yuan-ti have a mix of humanlike and snakelike parts, but the proportion varies from individual to individual. their society is a caste system based on how snake-like they are. The vast majority of yuan-ti fall into three categories — abominations, malisons, and purebloods — while the mutated broodguards and exceedingly rare anathemas have their place in the hierarchy as well.   The yuan-ti have abandoned their humanity and consider non-serpentine humanoids to be lesser creatures, barely more civilized than common apes. Only the high priest can reproduce with humans. The offspring of which will be the next high priest.  

An Empire Within the jungle

The yuan-ti are among the richest in the mortal world, accumulating power and goods for thousands of years, they were able to progress during a time where the other races were forced to hide. As such, they spread their dominion over the jungle, enslaving the tortles.   Due to their history, and the fact they were still expanding during the dragon age, secrets of the ancient civilization are kept by the yuan-ti. Many believe dark rituals and dark magic are among the Yuan-ti collection of forgotten knowledge.   Similarly, the Yuan-ti are keen to dominate the entire Green Earth Union, maybe even more, and this is no secret. It is not known if they plan on using those ancient artifacts to do so, but Lightfoot Kingdom and Tana's Empire do keep an eye out for such a threat.  


The snake people are evil been and do not hesitate to enslave others for their benefit. A striking example is the fate of the tortle, reduced to slave for the yuan-ti, or as a component in dark ritual for their God Sseth. They are said to be emotionless been, and as such, they exhibit behavior and use tactics that exemplify that outlook (or lack of one).   The vast majority of Yuan-ti Pray Sseth, the yuan-ti god, or demon, the exact nature of this been is unknown. This god protected them  


Yuan-ti names have meanings that have been passed down through the generations, although spellings and inflections have changed over time.   Some yuan-ti add more sibilants to their birth names to create an exaggerated hissing sound, based on one’s personal preference and whether an individual’s anatomy can more easily pronounce the name in this altered form. An adopted name of this sort is recognized as a variant of the birth name, rather than a unique name unto itself. A yuan-ti might refer to itself by its birth name, by its adopted name, or (especially among purebloods) by a name it borrows from the local populace.   Yuan-i Names: Asutali, Shalkashlah, Eztli, Sisava, Hessatal, Sitlali, Hitotee, Soakosh, Issahu, Ssimalli, Itstli, Suisatal, Manuya, Talash, Meztli, Teoshi, Nesalli, Yaotal, Otleh, Zihu  



The blood of Umunairu, goddess of the couatl was once spilled on Toriel, and from it, merged with a portion of her soul, arose the couatl. However, some of that blood was not linked to the goddess' soul, and was later discovered by humans. Those humans drank the blood of the goddess, their body shifting to match the serpentine nature of their goddess, but the lack of soul linked to the blood corrupted them, and turned them into people they are today: the Yuan-ti.

General Information

Scientific name
Homo serpentes
Geographic Distribution
Calames Jungle
Abyssal, Common, Draconic  


Average Lifespan
Less than a century
Average Height
1.85 m Male, 1.75 m Female
Average Weight


Cover image: by Simon Dominic


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