Great Extinction Myth in Toriel | World Anvil

Great Extinction

The Great Extinction was a catastrophic event that occurred thousands of years ago in the prime material realm, originating in the Orrin Empire. The magical catastrophe caused the majority of living beings on Toriel to be wiped from the surface of the world.   The exact cause of the extinction is not known, but it is believed to originate in the ancient Orrin empire.    


Numerous searchers have endeavored to seek answers about the cause of this event, resulting in the creation of countless books detailing numerous theories. One prominent example is:  
"The Great Extinction: A Chronicle of the Cataclysmic Event that Devastated the World. Volume III."
— Written by A.S. Scholar, Published by the Royal Historians of the Lightfoot Kingdom
  A major theory posits that the human population of the empire had become consumed by a thirst for power and a fascination with technology. In their relentless pursuit of greater knowledge and capabilities, they dared to experiment with forces beyond their control. It is believed that these ill-fated experiments ultimately unleashed a powerful and destructive force that swept across the continent of Toriel, bringing about the Great Extinction and wiping out most of the life in its wake.  


A love story

Isolde was a poor seamstress born in a rural colony within the Orrin Empire. One day, the recently appointed emperor, Kalah Heigaari, fell in love at first sight, and asked for her hand in marriage. Kalah loved his new wife, so much that he refused to go anywhere without her and focused more on her than ruling his kingdom. This bred contempt from his allies, knowing that Orrin would crumble due to Kalah's neglectful rulership.   The empire's enemies took advantage of Kalah's ignorance, and sent an assassin to kill Kalah using a poisoned blade. The assassination was successfully foiled, but Isolde was accidentally grazed by the dagger and subsequently poisoned. As she slowly succumbed to the poison, Viego's sanity deteriorated as he became more desperate for a cure. Isolde died, and Viego sank all the treasure of the empire to find a way to bring his wife back to life.  

Great Extinction

Then came the day Halah learned the secret of the Philosopher's Stone and its power to break past the limit of life and death. With the wealth of a country, he employed scientists, mages, and wizards to study the creation of a Philosopher's Stone, slaughtering anyone refusing to work for him or who stood in his way until the answer was finally revealed to him. The sacrifice of his people... of the world itself would be necessary for him to attain the power he sought to revive his dead wife. She would return to him, no matter the destruction he wrought. No matter the cost.   Kalah clinged to his last hope of bringing Isolde back to life. And for just one moment, she did return. Yet the world crumbled under him—the great extinction.   Kalah and his wife, at the center of this world-ending event, watched as everything faded out of existence, the building blocks of reality itself twisted by the Magic stone.   With her soul already long gone, the Philosopher's Stone created a new one for Isolde. This unnatural creation was twisted and corrupted by the force of the cosmos, resulting in an arch Wraith . Isolde arose as a horror of rage, anger, and pain, killing her "savior" and driving the very stone he used to create her through his heart. The magic of the stone and the arch wraith clashed, and the energy erupted, tearing across Kalah's soul too.   The constructed soul of Isolde and the corrupted soul of Kalah now merged, forming something more than just the arch wraith that Isolde was raised as. They became something stronger than anything seen before.   An arch wraith normally has a domain of dread within the Shadowfell, but this entity was so powerful that it enveloped the entire Shadowfell as its domain. Kalah's twisted mind fueled the arch wraith with a dangerous obsession, a deranged love driving its every action, desire, and atrocity. A deadly black shadow poured out of the gaping hole in the arch wraith's broken heart, ripping the life from everything it touched.  


The impact of the Great Extinction was utterly devastating, leaving most of the prime material plane in ruins. Capitals vanished, and the delicate balance of power that had shaped the world for centuries shifted within moments as entire civilizations were obliterated from existence. The land itself bore the scars of the catastrophe, transforming once lush forests and grasslands into barren wastelands.   In the aftermath, the few fortunate survivors were left to grapple with the harsh reality of a world devoid of resources and support. They were forced to retreat to the farthest reaches of the world, seeking shelter in the corners untouched by the calamity. With their societies shattered and livelihoods destroyed, they faced the daunting task of rebuilding from the ashes of their former lives.   The once great cities and structures that had dotted the landscape of Toriel now stood as haunting ruins, reclaimed by nature's relentless embrace. Overgrown with vegetation and inhabited by ferocious monsters that had thrived in the aftermath of the disaster.   The land itself seemed cursed, haunted by the anguished spirits of those who perished during the catastrophic event. Echoes of their pain and suffering reverberated through the desolate landscapes, and tales of haunted specters roaming the barren wastes became the stuff of legend and fear.

Date of Setting
1070 BD

Cover image: Farewell by Greg Rutkowski


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