Toryn Missien Character in Tir a Goth | World Anvil

Toryn Missien

Toryn Missien (a.k.a. Tory, Missie)

Toryn Missien is the current leader of a band of mercenaries commonly known as the Highway Men, a sub set of the Ebon Eye.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Early Years

  Toryn was born on the 17th of Kourwin, 662, to Mateu Missien (Human male) and Andraste Galinndan (Elf Female). The union between his parents was seen as an affront to the Elven elders of Andraste's enclave, and she was sent away when it was discovered that she was pregnant. Mateu was a soldier in the Northoak State Army, a division of the Ombre National Army, stationed in Oakhorn; so, the couple had a home at the edge of the city.   While Toryn was growing up, his father was frequently away on assignment, often being absent for a couple of months at a time. His mother and he would often visit the woods surrounding the city, picking berries, wild herbs, and mushrooms. The forests were where his mother was the happiest, so that was where he was the happiest. Back home, he would help his mother with her garden, or caring for the few livestock that the Missien's owned. By the age of 5, Toryn was milking the cow, riding horses, and gathering eggs.   When Mateu was home, the tone of the house changed from calm to excitement. Toryn delighted in tales of the latest monster hunt that his father was returning from; fantasies far from the truth of another escort assignment, protecting traveling diplomats. Between chores, Mateu taught Toryn to properly swing a sword, maintain various types of armor and weapons, and fighting styles; all of which Toryn absorbed like a sponge. He made his first full leather armor when he was 10, and for his 12th birthday, Mateu gifted him a fine short sword, which never left Toryn's side, even to this day. His mother taught him the use of the bow.   Shortly after his 16th birthday, Toryn followed in his father's footsteps and joined the Northoak State Army. Basic training was accelerated since Toryn had been training his whole life. His first assignment was as a city guard in Oakhorn.  

City Guard

  The Northoak State Army maintained detachments of units assigned to various city guards.  Toryn was assigned to the attachment embedded in to the Oakhorn city guard.  He was first a foot patrolman, working various wards of the city, building rapport with the citizens.  



The Massacre


The Trial And Imprisonment


The Ebon Eye


The Highwaymen


Contacts & Relations

Counja, the leader of The Ebon Eye
Current Location
Date of Birth
17th of Kourwin, 662
Year of Birth
662 53 Years old
Current Residence
The Highway Men camp
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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