Daymaw Settlement in Tir a Goth | World Anvil

Daymaw (dA-maw)

Daymaw is a small village in Southeast Northoak, a half a day's ride from the main road between Oakhorn and Unity.   The village was set upon by an unknown armed force. The village's healthy men and older children were abducted and dragged off in to the surrounding woods. Many of the villagers were slaughtered trying to defend the village, but a few escaped, hiding until the carnage was over. The survivors returned to find most of the village was burned to the ground, so they packed up any personal items that might have remained from the sacking and headed to the City of Unity, seeking refuge and justice from the King's Army.   Multiple units of the King's Army have been sent to investigate, only to not return.  Witnesses can recall seeing the armies march towards Daymaw, but none from.

15th of Benesmer, 700

Location under