
Written by Kitashi

"I devote my being to Norma and my blade to her glory."
— Greetings of the Champion of the arena.
  Born far before the creation of the Ancestors, he was one of the Fallen Angels from the Council of the Theocracy of Homeca. Known as one of the most dangerous being on Anathema, he was also a great leader for the Humans. He died in 13952, murdered by Charioce I, future king of Homeca.  

History of a legend


When he was an Angel :

Fervent servant of Norma, he loved to be his knight. He supported the project of Mephistopheles of create a divine arena where the greatest Angels and Demons would compete in trials. After the construction of this arena, a program was defined putting the fighting on Caedi. Adriel was only involved in the fighting. He kept repeating: "Caedi's clashs are sacred" until it became years later the popular expression: "Fights Caedi and Rest the Terradi". Adriel took a liking to the fight and became one of the most powerful Angels and earned the title of "Champion of the Arena". When Ddraig and Albion, at Norma's invitation, came up against each other in the divine arena, it was natural for Adriel to face them. However, it was not expected that the conditions worsened enough to force the Archangels were forced to intervene. Adriel fought side by side with Michael but, weakened against Albion, he could not resist Ddraig's attacks that propelled him away from Yggdrasil.

When he was a Fallen Angel :

Shortly after, he met of fifteen other angels who had fallen. They explained to him that unlike him, they had been banished for trying to intervene during the fight. Disoriented, they remained united and tried to go up the World Tree without success. They tried to convince Níðhöggr to take them back to the top and he would accepted if, and only if, they manage to defeat the kings and princes of Hell. The angels being less strong than the demons, they played trickery to defeat them. Unfortunately, they were soon defeated against the third prince Beelzebub, although he suffered terrible wounds. But Adriel, faithful to his reputation of champion of the arena, manages to dominate it by using his greatest weakness: gluttony. Last standing, he took upon himself the responsibility to defeat the other demons and fought valiantly, defeating Asmodeus and Belphegor. Alas, he fell in front of Belial who wanted to avenge the humiliation suffered by his brothers.
While the others gave up the idea of ​​defeating the Demons, Adriel continued to return to confront the remaining princes for several years until his total victory 120 years later. Very pleased with his victory, he was left for dead after his defeat against Zapan, one of the kings of Hell.
Brought to Lucifer to be heal, he took years to recover and once on his feet, he implored the greatness of Lucifer to give him the power to get back close to his mistress. Lucifer told him that their power was diminishing when he was no longer on Yggdrasil, hence the fading of their wings, and that even if they were still all powerful, they would not be able to defeat a king of Hell. But his will was so great that Adriel went so far as to fight against Lucifer to get what he wanted from him. In front of so much devotion, Lucifer granted him the return of his all power which he hastened to use to fight. This time, it was not black but white feathers that flew when he was defeated a second time by Zapan.
Even if they did not succeed in defeating all the demon kings, that is enough to create an imbalance that left an opportunity for some rash, to attack the Demons as Ophiucus. During a long day of fire and blood better known as "Scarlet Aquadi", the minor Demons fell by the hundreds. Adriel, partly responsible for this massacre, was imprisoned in Hell with three other Fallen Angels.

A warrior in the Council :

Released in 6 B.F. by the grace of Norma, he was taken by Sariel to meet what will become 8 years later The Council. Became strategist and warlord, he helps four Fallen Angels: Abbadon, Hamel, Sariel and Zuriel to found the Theocracy of Homeca and guide it in the war he triggers on 20 Sepmen of the year 25 by assassinating the king of Dwarves and the great Werebeast Priestess of the time. It will take 150 years, however, before we can truly say that the war has begun, and it is with the siege of the dwarf city of Nilheim that the world finally realizes the threat that has become Theocracy. However, Adriel wanted to start with Dhurtic's siege which ended in a failure which taught Adriel that he was not ready to go to war, that the Theocracy was not ready. It was then decided to undertake what they called the "harvest", ie the training of human forces including that of the Angels.
In the year 723, he launched the assault on the dwarf city of Nilheim by trying several strategies. But none was effective because of a defender, TwistSteel, who ruined all his plans. Forced to go to fight itself, it is after twenty years and after the use of Durandal against TwistSteel, that the seat could finally start effectively. The human forces being exhausted in the face of this formidable defender, Adriel played the card of patience and starved the city to attack when it was weak enough. Chaining the victories, Adriel was angry when he lost for the first time since a long time in Baram. In retaliation, he attacked Kammaguiri, causing millions of casualties. Having become feared by all, he refused to join Gregory and even Azazel did not face him. After millennia of war, he began to get tired of fighting and massacres. To entertain himself he built his own arena of combat: the Gladriel Arena, which is a pun on "glad" and "Adriel". He made fight valiant warriors, whether prisoners or volotaires of all races and the champion had the right to face him. Even today, the arena remains very use.
He reduced the number of attacks and changed his methods after meeting Dimitris von Mercurio, known as The visionary. Together, they worked to make this war more respectful of the heritage of The Ancestors leaving room for the Depression.

The death of a divine:

With the exception of Charioce, no one really knows how Adriel died. But this mystery allowed him to take control of the Theocracy. More than just a dead personality, the balance of power was called into question. Adriel, an angel, died. This was inconceivable before this day. Except for the lower demons, no demonic or divine entity was ever killed, and this death raised many questions and concerns. His death inspired the book: Immortal or Just Invicible by Alluin Elahana. Strangely, after his death, no reaction from Norma was observed. Nevertheless, if the divine domain does not react, certain races and especially the demons came to Mâsa to note his death. Mephistopheles was the first to demand to see the corpse of the angel but Charioce and the Council opposing, he then threatened to send waves of monsters on the city, which he did. Still today, monsters flock around the city. Zapan would have even declared:
"I was pissing on the Humans because I thought they were weak but I'm going to stop now that they have proved to be able to cut it to me."
The visionary also asked to recollect himself on his body but again, this was refused. The Flugels, intrigued, even tried to buy the remains of Adriel but were scammed by a scheme of Zuriel, making them lose what they wanted to exchange. Furious, they launched the assault on Mâsa and reduced half of the city to ashes. This was the last time humans treated with them.

After his death, the world knew a return to violence because of the ambitions of Charioce with the creation of The Riders of the Apocalypse and of the Extensions, with the fall of Celerind and soon the war against the Eastern Federation. Since his death, an estimated 200 million victims, against only 57 million during the last two millennia.     During his lifetime, Adriel killed a billion people and his death brought and will bring billions of deaths.
Divine Classification
Angel Adriel
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Warlord, Commander in chief of the armies, Champion of the arena.
985 B.F. 13952 A.F. 14937 years old
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Looks like it's time to give a divine punishment."
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

  • 985 B.F.

    28 /2

    Birth of Adriel
    Life, Birth

    More reading
  • 618 B.F.

    Adriel is proclamed "Champion of the arena"
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    After he defeated thousands of opponents, he was recognized as the "Champion of the arena" by Norma.

    More reading
  • 451 B.F.

    25 /5

    Creation of the Fallen Angels
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    The dragons Ddraig and Albion clash at the top of Yggdrasil causing countless damage and the fall of several Angels from the tree. It is the birth of Fallen Angels.

    More reading
    Additional timelines
  • 451 B.F.

    33 /5

    Adriel won against Beelzebub
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    After they beaten the first two Hell's princes, he defeated Beelzebub while this one defeated the other Angels.

    More reading
  • 451 B.F.

    36 /5

    Adriel loose against Belial
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Weakened, he fall easily in front of Belial who wanted to avenged the humiliation suffered by his brothers.

    More reading
  • 331 B.F.

    Adriel managed to defeated all the Hell's princes
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    More reading
  • 330 B.F.

    Adriel loose against Zapan
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Very pleased with his victory, he was left for dead after his defeat against Zapan, one of the kings of Hell.

    More reading
  • 311 B.F.

    14 /5

    Adriel recovered and loose a second time agianst Zapan
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Lucifer granted him the return of his all power which he hastened to use to fight. This time, it was not black but white feathers that flew when he was defeated a second time by Zapan.

    More reading
  • 311 B.F.

    15 /5

    Adriel is imprisoned after the Scarlet Aquadi
    Life, Crime

    Held responsible for this massacre, he is locked in Hell with three other Angels.

    More reading
  • 6 B.F.

    4 /1

    Adriel is released
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    He's released by the grace of Norma.

    More reading
  • 1 A.F.

    13 /9

    Adriel join the Council
    Life, Organisation Association

    He join Abbadon, Hamel, Sariel and Zuriel to found the Theocracy of Homeca.

    More reading
  • 2 A.F.

    1 /1

    Formation of the Counsil
    Political event
    Additional timelines
  • 7 A.F.

    6 /4

    Foundation of the Theocracy of Homeca
  • 25 A.F.

    20 /7

    The Theocracy of Homeca declare the war to the world
    Military action

    Adriel triggers the war on behalf of the Theocracy of Homeca to the world on 20 Sepmen of the year 25 by assassinating the king of Dwarves and the great Werebeast Priestess of the time.

    More reading
    Theocracy of Homeca
  • 189 A.F.

    8 /5
    229 A.F.

    16 /6

    Siege of the city of Dhurtic
    Military action

    The Thoecracy of Homeca attacks the dwarf city of Dhurtic.

  • 723 A.F.

    799 A.F.

    Siege of the Dwarf city of Nilheim
    Military action

    It was the second siege led by the Theocracy of Homeca and this time, it was a success for the invaders who destroyed the city.

  • 743 A.F.

    Adriel defeat TwistSteel
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    He beat TwistSteel using Durandal when he led the siege of the Dwarf city of Nilheim.

    More reading
  • 6508 A.F.

    22 /4

    Adriel is defeated in Baram.
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Adriel lost for the first time since a long time in Baram against the future Alliance of Baram.

    More reading
  • 6508 A.F.

    23 /4

    Adriel takes revenge for his defeat.
    Disaster / Destruction

    In retaliation of his defeat in Baram, he attacked Kammaguiri, causing millions of casualties.

    More reading
    Additional timelines
  • 10731 A.F.

    11 /3

    Adriel refuse to join Gregory
    Life, Relationship change

    Adriel refuses to join Azazel in his organization, fights him and carries him away by cutting off his left arm.

    More reading
  • 10944 A.F.

    12 /3

    Adriel created the Gladriel arena.

    After millennia of war, he began to get tired of fighting and massacres. To entertain himself he built his own arena of combat: the Gladriel Arena

    More reading
    Additional timelines
  • 11714 A.F.

    21 /10

    Adriel meet The visionary
    Political event

    Together, they worked to make this war more respectful of the heritage of The Ancestors leaving room for the Depression.

    More reading
    Additional timelines
  • 13952 A.F.

    15 /1

    Death of Adriel
    Life, Death

    Assassinated by Charioce using Durandal, his body was hidden from the people of Mâsa but Sariel testified to prove that Charioce really killed him.

    More reading
    Additional timelines
  • 13952 A.F.

    23 /4

    Mephistopheles visit Mâsa

    Mephistopheles visit Mâsa to see the corpse of Adriel.

    More reading
  • 13952 A.F.

    30 /4

    The Flugels attack Mâsa

    The Flugels assault Mâsa after that Zuriel tricked them.

    More reading


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Mar 9, 2018 18:53 by Sai & Tyme

The breakdown in the timeline helped me understand the multitude of events that occurred. One thing I'm curious about is understanding what was driving Adriel's actions in regards to. Was it purely devotion to Norma, the love of fighting and war for the sake of it, power over humans/mortal beings, or a combination of factors? Great job tying together such a lengthy history!

Mar 10, 2018 22:00 by Kitashi

Devotion to Norma, the love of fighting and later the power over humans and mortal beings.

Mar 12, 2018 07:06 by Sai & Tyme

Thank you for confirming my thoughts! ^_^

Mar 13, 2018 06:10 by Heath O'Donnell

I love that you had a secondary, pun quote in there. Thank you for that.

Mar 16, 2018 16:06 by Barron

Great job for the timeline, it really helped in understanding the article.

Mar 16, 2018 18:52 by Kris Weavill

Another fantastic piece by you Kitashi. The Timeline really helps.

GorgeFodder - Former Forge Father & Former Community Director of World Anvil
Mar 18, 2018 12:22 by Kitashi

Thank you, I appreciate.

Mar 17, 2018 08:56 by Xanthuss

I really like the use of mythological names. The opening caught interest immediately, You have some paragraphs that haven't got proper breaks for some reason. Probably bbcode breaking something

Mar 18, 2018 12:21 by Kitashi

I will fix that. Thank you to mentionned it.

Mar 17, 2018 10:02 by TJ Trewin

I love the extra details in the timeline! Lovely to include a mention of one of your previous event characters in there too :) You could also use a spoiler tag in the article to share any extra information as to how Adriel really died. Great read!

Journals of Yesteryear

Mar 18, 2018 12:20 by Kitashi

Thanks for your comment but I can't put a spoiler tag because this is an important things that my players will find by themselves.

Jul 3, 2023 14:50

Hello   May I ask please? Is this true story?   And is it good for a boy to be given Adriel name?

Jan 2, 2024 21:36 by Kitashi

Sorry for the very late response. This is an original abandonned project. Adriel is a fake angel that i have invented while taking inspiration of actual texts about angels and all.