Empyrea (Territory) Geographic Location in The Seven | World Anvil
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Empyrea (Territory)

The first thing anyone would notice about Empyrea, upon traveling there for the first time, is that it’s cold. With most of its western terrain mountainous, and its position as the northernmost region of the continent, more than sixty percent of the Empyrean landscape is covered with snow and ice year-round.   The southern border with The Dreaded Wastes (Territory) is protected from incursion by the inhabitants of that land by a long range of mountains, known as The Palisades, that extends almost from coast to coast. The narrow border with Eberon is the easiest way to leave Empyrea by land, but there are small passes throughout the mountains that allow travel into the Wastes. Most significant is Terror Canyon, a pass through the upper arm of the Wastes that connects Whitecrest Ridge on one side with Phlaine in Athijan Afrya on the other. The only other ways in and out of the country are by sea and virtually all of those are essentially impassible during the colder six months of the year.   Ninety percent of the population, which is mostly Damaran Human, resides in the south-eastern quadrant of the country, nearest Eberon, along the border with the Dreaded Wastes.


Mostly cold and rocky. Mountainous in the west. Frozen in the north. Only about one fourth of the land is suitable for agrarian human habitation. There is a small forest in the southeast.

Natural Resources

Beneath the snow and ice in the western mountains is a vast wealth of obsidian.


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