Aerwynn (Territory) Geographic Location in The Seven | World Anvil
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Aerwynn (Territory)

Aerwynn is the easternmost territory. Surrounded on 3 sides but coastline, it is broken into 6 provinces.   The northern province of Ascaria is a twilight kingdom with short days and covered in ice and snow most of the year. The main city is Valenvers. Due to the shorter days and cooler climate, few live here except the Humans and Half-Elf.   The western province of Draona is landlocked and the Lournial Mountains cover most of the region. It’s main city is Sidriel . There is a large settlement of Forest Gnomes here, as well as humans and half-elves   The eastern province of Edrea is covered in forests and meadows. It has a long coastline and it’s main city is Adellum. This is where a community of Eladrin live, as well as humans. The bard College of Glamor is located here.   The southern province of Thacia is along the southern coast and is mainly beaches and palm trees. The main city is Dakati, where the majority of the humans live. Small groups of gnomes, humans, half-elves, and Halflings.   The southern isle of Meriquet Island is a few miles off the coast of Aerwynn. Mostly jungle, the city of Manamalo is located within a sandy beach cove. A mix of humans and half-elves live with the native inhabitants   Centrally located, the ruling province of Faelyn surrounds Caleneau Loch. Queen Titiania and her court live on the shores in Chateau Faria. Many Eladrin, humans, gnomes, halflings, and half-elves live and serve the court.
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