dragons Species in The New World (2.Order) | World Anvil


Dragons are the most famous of the immortal spirits. After having descended onto the Land during the first Order to save the mortal races they find a liking in the admiration of the people. This is only surpassed by their love for gold and precious stones that touches on greed. Yet they have a very friendly relationship with most of the mortal races.
Together with the Dwarves they reach a later never again reached level of skill in architecture.
However after one of their kind is slain by Dwarves the dragons turn on them in a swift attack and many Dwarves but also some drgons fall. The Dwarves finally have to retreat into their mines and are ever after seldom seen.
Shortly after this all immortal spirits are declared "godless creatures"  by the godking and are expelled from the Council  after beeing accused of having stolen the glory that shoud have belonged to the human race during the great demonwar. The dragons see this as a grave insult and cut all friendly relationships to the mortal races.
Afterwards they are only known as deadly monsters that kill sheep, cattle and men alike and hord great treasures. Only few generations later (and helped along by the rumor spreading of the godking´s followers) dragons are already believed to have never been anything other than cruel and wicked monsters without compassion or pity. They are avoided ba the commom folk but sought by adventurers and treasure hunters.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
immortal spirits
created by the universe
Average Height
20-35 feet


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