Uthelgardt Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


The ancestral home of the Uthael, one of the original clans of the Heldring, Uthelgardt’s most famous son is the semi-mythical Thurbald the Great, the first hledwalda of the Heldring. Once Thurbald finished his conquest of the Helcynngae Peninsula, however, he chose to establish a new city to be his capital, which became Kingsgardt. To this day, the Heldring of Uthelgardt, with their long memories, view the capital as a younger sibling, and themselves as the true, original first city of the peninsula. Whatever the true history may be, this hilltop city has long been home to thousands of folk, including artisans, merchants, and warriors.   Part of the reason for Uthelgardt’s loss of influence is undoubtedly the fact that it lies off of the Long Road, the main route through the Helcynngae Peninsula. Moreover, the population is rather thin along the south coast of the Bryon Firth. As a result, while there certainly are opportunities for trade in Uthelgardt, there is simply not as much money to be made as in those cities on the Long Road.   In addition to trade, some mining is done in the nearby Hatlu Peaks, and farming and cattle are raised in the nearby fields.   There are those in the ealdorman’s family who harbor dreams of the ancient glories of Uthelgardt, and in the dark whisper about what it might take to overthrow the predominance of Kingsgardt. Brunhilda Harkeness herself, however, seems to discourage such thoughts. The folk of Uthelgardt, particularly those outside the city walls, are subject to the occasional raids of humanoids from the Hatlu Peaks such as goblins, orcs, and ogres, as well as brigands on the roads.


Uthelgardt, Town of

Ealdorman Brunhilda Harkeness, First Hunter of Uthelgardt


5,707 (4,776 Heldring, 810 human mixed ethnicity, 121 Foerdewaith)

brigands and raiders of The Plains

Helvaenic, Common


trade, farming, mining

Heldring, barter

Technology Level
Dark Ages

Owning Organization


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