Tyr Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


The Erskaelosi city of Tyr stands on The Plains just to the north of the Giantlands like a taunt. It has weathered more attacks from giants and their kin than probably any other place on Lloegyr, yet endured despite the constant danger. Its walls are low earthen mounds studded with sharpened stakes designed to withstand pounding from hurled boulders and to hinder the ability of giants to simply walk over them. The area in front of and behind the mounds are riddled with narrow trenches from which defenders can take cover and then strike at attackers with longspears when they try to cross. The buildings of Tyr are a combination of hide tents and awnings and wooden structures. The Erskaelosi know that structures are easily susceptible to the attacks of giants and build them so they can be easily reconstructed. The only stone structures in the city are the dark basalt construction of the great arena where gladiatorial tournaments and executions of captured giants occur, and the Heartsflame Palace where the princess of Tyr dwells. Even these bear the scars of giant attacks, though neither has ever fallen.


Tyr, City of

7,362 (6,221 Erskaelosi, 731 mountain dwarf, 213 half-orc, 197 other)

Bridthotina, Princess of Tyr

monarchy (principality)

Owning Organization


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