The Sinking Place Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

The Sinking Place

This mysterious region is said by the Gtsang to have once been above water, but over centuries was slowly and deliberately drawn beneath the waves, probably by the hostile forces that rule the place. Today, only the upper peaks of the mountains that once surrounded the Sinking Place remain above the surface, forming a potent barrier against large-scale incursion.   The region is known to harbor many hostile sea-creatures, many of which attack passing vessels with clear malevolence — sea serpents, kraken, aquatic demons, and other lesser-known species have been sighted here. Not only do these creatures represent a real danger to shipping, but they appear to be controlled by some sort of greater intelligence.   In 4572 XC (3270 I.R.), a Castorhage trade fleet set out from Lesser Bream, only to be attacked by sea creatures on their return from Elitan-i-pan. While the event was a tragedy of catastrophic proportions, it proved to be only the beginning of the Breams’ troubles in the region. Over the next three years, attacks grew in number and intensity, and in 4575 XC (3273 I.R.), Castorhage Admiral Milo Skanter led a fleet of 12 ships into the area to hunt down and destroy the monsters. The expedition ended in disaster as an overwhelming horde of sea monsters emerged from the Sinking Place, with only a single ship escaping. It was not until 4773 XC (3471 I.R.) that the Sea-Throng was finally brought to bay at the Battle of Quandary Deep. Though the throng was defeated and wiped out or put to flight, the Sinking Place remains firmly under their control, and outside ships visit the region at their own peril.   No one on the surface knows who truly rules the Sinking Place. The sea-folk of Caerulea are said to have extensive knowledge, but in typical fashion are quite reluctant to share information with surface-dwellers.
Mountain Range


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