The Dale Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

The Dale

The Dale is a low valley between the eaves of the Eldevere Forest and a small line of hills that separates it from the coastal plain of the Low Country. Many halflings call The Dale home and live in small clusters of homes burrowed into the hillsides. They have no settlements of any size and no real government, and band together only when some threat appears that requires collective action (which has not happened in living memory). They live in peace with the nearby forest, though they seldom venture far into its depths. The druids of Eldevere discourage any exploration, and the halflings are happy to stay in the valley and grow their gardens.   When tax collectors from Loagwater ride through, the halflings usually collect what is necessary to pay them off. They do not worry about how much actually arrives in Loagwater, as opposed to remaining in the pockets of the collectors. Otherwise, the purported rule of Olduvar has little effect on the rustic folk of The Dale.


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