Sessilbridge Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


Sessilbridge is built on and around a massive bridge over the River Sess, a bridge that is often compared to Lyre Bridge in Bard’s Gate for its size and scope. The bridge and the town are ancient, dating to Hyperborean times before the death of Oerson. Nominally within the demesne of the province of Cerediun, as the last town before the Helwall, it tends to be quite independent, with little supervision from Trebes, and pays a modest annual tax based on trade passing over the bridge. The town is a center of the trade between Cerediun and the Heldring to the south.   A diverse mix of races have settled in this river-village, which is known to be the last stop along the South Road to the Helcynngae Peninsula. An ever-changing racial profile keeps the small town interesting; depending on the time, the number of Heldring, mixed-race humans, dwarves, and even elves vary in the makeup of its residents.  

History and People

The small town and bridge were established in –69 I.R. to provide a crossing over the River Sess and a watchful eye north of the Helwall over the southern part of the continent as well as the northern plains and forests. As the last stop before the Helwall, military garrisons would stage in the town on their way north or south, and those few traders and other travelers with reason to be in this region would find a safe haven within the town’s walls. Over the years, armies have moved through the town using the bridge, though it has largely been held by one or other of the northern kingdoms.   Of late, as hostility between the Heldring and Foere declined, more folks from south of the wall have taken up residence here, especially as trade with Cerediun Province increased. Now, the city is a mix of Foerdewaith, Heldring, and a potpourri of other races, including dwarves and the occasional high elves or half-elves. Lord-Governor Bryntwis Carlarion’s desire to expand trade has been good for the town’s economy.


The Foere residents of Sessilbridge generally worship Arialee or Muir, and temples to both gods can be found on the bridge. For the Heldring, a combined shrine to the sibling gods of Eostre and Tyr is found in the southern portion of the town and is often filled to capacity with god-fearing residents. Zealous priests of the two gods ensure that their benches are always occupied and that the coffers are overflowing with donations.

Trade and Commerce

As the last stop before the Helwall for southbound travelers, Sessilbridge is a welcoming settlement with plenty of merchants, inns, and taverns. Dreading the harsher trip into the more dangerous peninsula beyond the wall, travelers have been known to linger in the comfortable town for more than a few days. Prosperous from constant travelers eager to spend their wealth, the town is constantly adding more homes, businesses, and residents.

Loyalties and Diplomacy

Nominally, Sessilbridge is governed from Trebes as a possession of Cerediun Province. However, in practice, the proximity of the Helwall and the presence of sizable numbers of Heldring leave the town largely independent, and in fact, some support comes from both nations to keep the town in a defensible state. Soldiers of both regions live in the town and can be found repelling raids from brigands or wayward humanoids, though the Heldring are more usually found in the southern part at the foot of the bridge.


Under a charter from the Cerediun lord-governors, a ruling council of five men, led by the most senior of the group, presides over laws and decides town matters. Tavour Palann is the current senior-most council member, having served on the council for more than 30 consecutive years. Once selected to the council, nothing short of death or treason removes a member from the elite group of officials.


Although the town has its own guard that patrols the interior of the town, Sessilbridge’s borders are protected by Cerediun and Heldring soldiers on the north and south, respectively. As a general matter, however, the soldiers are present only for external protection and do not have jurisdiction within the walls of the river-town.

Major Threats

Dozens of roaming brigands and gangs of murderous humanoids constantly seek easy prey along the river and plains. Sessilbridge at first seems an easy target until the well-trained soldiers respond to attacks. Although most small raids are dispatched quickly, the occasional coordinated attack from larger groups of goblins and orcs may seriously test the soldiers and town fortifications.


Sessilbridge, Town of

Mayor Tavour Palann

town council

1,622 (785 Foerdewaith, 454 Heldring, 333 human mixed ethnicity, 50 dwarf)

orcish races from nearby Sky Peaks

Common, Helvaenic

Eostre and Tyr

farming, river-fishing and hunting

bartering primarily with some common currency accepted

Technology Level
Medieval on land

Owning Organization


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