Ruins of Mati-Alamul Building / Landmark in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Ruins of Mati-Alamul

This large statue of basalt has the body of a sphinx, but the figure’s face has been blotted out by wind-blown sands, as if the gods had wiped it out. The 40-foot-tall statue is surrounded by the eroding remains of a low, crumbling wall. The figure is known as “The Moaning King” due to horrible, droning wails that emanate from within the ruin on certain nights. These harrowing moans carry across the silence of a desert night to frighten tribes camping miles away. No one has any idea how the ruin came to be here, but it is spoken of only in hushed voices, and the place is almost universally avoided. Only harpies or creatures such as death dogs are ever reported in the area.


Mati-Alamul, Ruins of


Owning Organization


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