Old Pirate Fortress Building / Landmark in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Old Pirate Fortress

Seven hundred years ago, an upstart Foerdewaith baron defied the might of his nation’s royal navy and extended his reach into the coastal waters bordering his fiefdom, where he annexed a tiny island in the Sinnar Ocean. The ambitious noble then built an imposing fortress on the small tract of land in the middle of the water. In an even bolder move, he doubled down on his aggressive wager by declaring his self-proclaimed right to engage in piracy on the high seas. His royal navy superiors in Pontus Tinigal begged to differ with his misguided opinion. They dispatched a flotilla of galleons and, off the shores of his island, the king of Foere taught him a fatal lesson. The baron and his vessels sank to the bottom of the ocean that day, never to be seen again. After his demise, several new generations of pirates occupied the fortress until the royal navy routed them from the premises. The old, crumbling fortress has sat abandoned for many years now. The neglect has taken a significant toll on the walls and interior buildings, which are now in a state of terrible disrepair or ruins. Some stories claim the baron buried his larcenous treasures in a secure vault somewhere on the island. However, no one has found any evidence to substantiate these fanciful tales.


Old Pirate Fortress
Owning Organization


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