Landsgrave Island Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Landsgrave Island

Of all the Barrier Islands, Landsgrave Island is well-marked on the charts of all sailors traveling through the region and justly feared. Wise captains give this island a wide berth. The large rocky mountain in the center of the island ends in a broad cliff that looks disturbingly like a tombstone. Sailors’ stories claim that sirens call ships to their death against the island’s jagged rocks and that the region is haunted by ghosts of the lost as well as the evil that brought them there.   And those stories are, in fact, true. The island is indeed haunted by the ghosts of sailors lost when their ships crashed onto its shores. And during stormy times, sirens call to passing ships, though the stories of the island are so widespread that only ships driven far off course would ever find themselves close to these shores. At night, the island glows with strange green and purple lights that are visible from miles at sea, which makes it even easier to avoid.   Locals do not come to the island for any reason. The few fishermen who in the past have done so report that the fish in the shallow, rocky waters are bony and unpalatable, and that the deeper waters are the hunting ground of several schools of sharks seeking whales pushed into the rocky beaches by storms or any other prey that may happen by. At least one will tell the tale of a group of explorers who were brought to the island, never to be heard from again.


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