Lake Berring Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Lake Berring

The center of Brounthia is the region around Lake Berring. This fertile land watered by the Red Rivers is divided into hundreds of noble estates, some not much larger than a farmstead in other nations. Bound peasants — commoners whose service and labor has been given to a lord in exchange for protection and care — work most of these. However, along the lake’s edge are many small villages of fishermen who are by law and tradition freemen.   The fishermen of Lake Berring are a hardy bunch. The water is cold, and the lake often wracked by storms blowing in off the Great Ocean. No shallow puddle this, Lake Berring is as deep as the sea and large enough to produce large waves.   In addition to the natural dangers of working on the water, Lake Berring is also home to fish of gargantuan scale. Catching one of these deep-dwelling giant sturgeons is a battle worthy of song, a deed that makes the deep-water fishermen more like whalers than anglers. Should one bring up such a leviathan and get it safely to market, then one’s fortune and fame are set, as are the fortune and fame of one’s children and grandchildren.


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