Isle of the Blessed Serpent Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Isle of the Blessed Serpent

A warm southern current and the Tropic of Arden moderate the island’s climate, keeping it constantly balmy and humid regardless of the season. These influences make the island’s weather unpredictable and frightening. Torrential downpours can spontaneously erupt and roll across the sweltering forest in the blink of an eye. From shore, the Isle of the Blessed Serpent seems to be a tropical paradise with pristine sandy beaches, lush palm trees, swaths of arable farmland, and a dense jungle in its interior. Getting ashore can be perilous, however. The Great Serpent Reef surrounds the entire island save for a small breach in the living barrier on the northwest side of the island. The coral almost always tears through the hull or blocks the passage of any ship attempting to negotiate a path through or over the treacherous obstacle.   Those who reach the island encounter a primordial wilderness teeming with overgrown insects such as massive fire ants, beetles, dragonflies, and hordes of blood-sucking mosquitos. And, as the island’s name suggests, many varieties of snakes, a substantial portion of which are poisonous. As a result, those few who do make the shore tend to spend little if any time on the island, which seems to be actively seeking to drive visitors away.   That being said, tales are told in the taverns along the wharves of Darnagal that lights are seen inland on the island at night, and sometimes, the ruins of stone towers can be seen through the forest canopy far inland.   Around the island, fish are plentiful, and many fishing boats come to the area to seek a full catch. If the winds begin to change, however, they head back to shore, since being blown upon the reefs would almost certainly be fatal.


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