Gethe Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


Gethe is in the interior of , which is located in an oasis area where canals are used to water its fields. As one of the cities on the border of Khemitian control, it has a high strong wall to protect it against incursions from Numeda. The declared mission of the military unit stationed here is to patrol against bandits, but everyone knows its real purpose is to scout the border and protect the city from Numedan raids.   Gethe has designated specific areas for industry and production in accordance with careful planning at the time the city was built. It is surrounded by huge olive groves and possesses scores of facilities for pressing olive oil and storing and sealing it in ceramic jars. The oil is shipped through Garzul to cities of The Delta.   In the city is a temple of Isis, goddess of fertility and magic. Although the current priestess performs all the proper rituals for the land and crops, rumor has it that she is much more interested in esoteric types of magic than in more common kinds of service. The other priests at the temple would seem to confirm this, as they are constantly doing research and often unavailable to help any but the most generous patrons.


Gethe, City of
City Administrator Adni Rezin


22,594 (mostly Khemitite)
Owning Organization


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