Gatland Organization in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


Three centuries ago when the tribal moots of the Northlanders evolved into the system of government known today as the Thing, not everyone was in favor of the change. True, the Things do not have much power per se, but their social might is very high, especially in Hordaland, Storstrøm Vale, and Estenfird. One of the leading groups that opposed the growing power of the Things was the Gat clan, who took themselves and their followers and settled a harsh and distant region, naming it Gatland.   Gatland is ruled by its jarls, all of whom are connected to the Gat clan in some way. Each jarl is a king in his own domain, the undisputed ruler of a piece of territory that contains only those who offer allegiance to him. Even Jarl Ljot Gatson, the eldest of the Gat clan, has no true authority over these petty tyrants, though his economic and military might means that his word is often heeded.   The land itself supports this sort of locally focused government. The interior of Gatland is dominated by the Olf Mountains, leaving only a coastal Fringe capable of supporting farming. Even there, the soil is poor and rocky and forces the people of Gatland to rely on the sea for much of their sustenance. To the sea they have turned, becoming the best fishers and whalers in the Northlands but also crossing the whale road to trade and raid. In fact, trading/raiding is such an integral part of Gatlander life that some have entirely given up farming.




Notable Settlements

Jarl Ljot Gatson

Northlands feudal with an Althing and local Things

17,800 (16,900 Northlander, 900 Seagestrelander thralls; small number of dwarves)

giants, jotund trolls, vlkodlak, dragons, linnorms, primal dragons, grendels, shantaks (Northern Olf Mountains ogres, giant snapping turtles, draugs, dragonships, fjord linnorms (coastline whales, reefclaws, trow, sea drakes, brine dragons (Virlik Bay)

Nørsk, Common, Dwarven, Seagestrelander

Æsir, Vanir

furs, coal, iron, plunder

Technology Level
Dark Ages

Controlled Territories

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