
Gammad is at the mouth of the Erto River where it enters the Sea of Baal. It has a large trade port with an active fishing industry. Although not at the southern border of Ifthaaz, it is the closest coastal city. Gammad is well-fortified to protect against attacks by the privateers of Numeda, and against any attack by a Numedan land force. A large force of the Council’s Guard is headquartered here, but most of the troops are stationed in the areas of lesser or minor clans farther to the east. The city has its own militia and a small naval force that patrols nearby waters against the Numedan corsairs. The warriors of Gammad have the reputation of being vicious fighters, so the cowardly corsairs generally avoid contact with their ships.   Clan Rezim also has other specialties, however. Many of its people seem to have a knack for languages and tend to pick them up easily, with good accents. Just listening to foreigners at the docks can be a good experience, but the clan also brings in teachers from many places and often arranges for the clan’s students to travel and practice their speaking or to pick up new tongues. As a result, multilingual citizens of Gammad are often in demand as translators, since not everyone can afford magical translation and there are those who prefer to not employ magical means in any case. Some of the more talented clan members are even able to pick up the body language of other cultures. That makes it easy for them to blend in with foreigners in Ifthaaz or with the native culture when they are visiting other countries. Combined with training and practice in disguises and certain other techniques, this allows particular members of Clan Rezim to act as excellent spies.   Lisco, the patriarch of Rezim, is said to have been a sailor in his youth. A story is told that he sailed for two years as a Khemitite on a ship out of Akados and even made himself at home in the Khemitian community in the great western city of Bard’s Gate with no one ever suspecting he was not what he claimed. Other stories whisper of secrets Lisco discovered while in that guise, and point to packages he receives from Khemit on a regular basis. If these rumors have ever reached the patriarch’s ears, however, he has shown no sign of it. Instead, his greatest concerns seem to be his three granddaughters, the safety of ships coming into the area (for what city can carry on profitable trade if all its partners are attacked), and his elaborate formal garden, in that order.


Gammad, City of Clan Rezim

Lisco, Patriarch of Rezim


42,353 (almost all Baalathite)

Owning Organization


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