Farketh Knowe Building / Landmark in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Farketh Knowe

The great stone fortress of Farketh Knowe was built by the Heldring to control the lowlands of their conquered islands. When the Ramithi pirates led the conquered peoples in rebellion against their Heldring overlords during the waning of the Heldring Expansion, the fortress was overrun and its walls thrown down. Its ruins remained formidable, however, and when the Ramithi refugees created a dux bellorum to lead them in their revolt against the Oceanders, that war leader chose the centuries-old ruins to serve as the focal point of their resistance. The walls and towers of Farketh Knowe stand strong once again with repairs continuing on sections that had crumbled and warriors once again filling its halls. Dux Bellorum Ombarto Trullian has gathered 2,000 Ramithi warriors here and continues to put the call out among the mountain refugee towns. His plan now is to continue a guerrilla campaign through the mountains until he can gather sufficient forces and determine the right location for a decisive battle against the invaders.


Farketh Knowe (fortress)

3,285 (Ramithi)

Dux Bellorum Ombarto Trullian


Owning Organization


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