Ethbosy Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


Despite being located along the Caravan Road in the desert instead of in the more “civilized” western part of the Ammuyad Caliphate, the emirs of Ethbosy have long been known for being educated and wise. They are also well-traveled, the current emir having made a trip not only to Jaati but also to Khartous in his youth. This means Ethbosy is home to not just a prominent caravan stop, but also a schola where people seeking knowledge learn literally at the feet of many educated men and women. Ethbosy’s cosmopolitanism extends outside the human realms as well; the deep pool that fills the fountain of the caravanserai is said to be the long-time home of a marid scholar who came to the schola once and appreciated the interactions so much that he just stayed. Caravans often stop here for a day or two, and those with more esoteric goods may display their wares in the marketplace and stay a week or more if their sales are going well.


Ethbosy, Emirate of

Emir Mehmet ibn Sayid


4,923 (mostly Ashurian)

Owning Organization


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