
Deep in the desert stands a fortress. It is almost as far south as Set’s Kingdom, or farther, but perhaps more in the direction of what are now called the Nazarre Mountains, or perhaps not. There, the desert is rocky, and a plateau stands above it. Upon the plateau, a great stone platform has been built, said to be 100 steps high, and on this stands the fortress. Its towering walls are made of clay, but they have been reinforced with logs so they are still strong though they are ancient. The walls are high, but no one patrols them. Towers stand at the corners, but no one stands guard. In the front, a gatehouse stands ready, but no gate pierces it; no one may enter. The singers lament for Denyallu, the lost city where gold paved the streets and jewels grew like flowers, but no living person has ever found Denyallu and returned to tell the tale.


Denyallu, Ruins of
Owning Organization


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