Deadfellows Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


A wooden stockade surrounds this small town, with three heads mounted on pikes outside the gate. The town has a river landing with a couple of shallow-draft keelboats sitting at the docks. The buildings in the town are half-timber and plaster, and they have a damaged look to them.

Anarchy reigns in The Frontier settlement of Deadfellows, the highest upriver community on the Gaelon River. West of the town, the waterway transforms into rapids and shallows only navigable by small, highly mobile craft piloted by an experienced sailor. Like the turbulent waters outside its wooden stockade, the people who live and work here can be highly unpredictable and dangerous, as is evident from the three heads impaled on pikes outside the town’s main gate. Rugged outdoorsmen rub elbows with an assortment of shady characters in Deadfellows’ disreputable and lawless saloons. Sawdust spread across the floor in these establishments soaks up the blood, bodily fluids, and drinks spilt onto the wooden surface during the frequent barroom brawls. The most trivial incident or clumsy phrase can trigger a free-for-all, which almost always spills out into the alleys and streets where more of the participants’ friends and enemies join the melee. With no one legally empowered to stop the carnage or punish the offenders, the donnybrook usually ends when one or more of the combatants lies dead in a pool of their own blood. Samuel Wesley Miller, a psychopath and professional assassin who carries himself as a gentleman and devout worshipper of Bowbe, is the most feared person in Deadfellows. Father Headbreaker, the resident cleric of Bowbe, has futilely tried to rein in the vicious man’s murderous inclinations, but to no avail. Anyone who runs afoul of this calculating killer always winds up in a coffin much sooner than they intended.


Deadfellows, Town of

1,240 (862 human, 316 hill dwarf, 62 Halfling)


Owning Organization


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